Information ServicesSoftware downloads

Search or browse our list of free software downloads:

  1. Log in to Pegasus
  2. Information Services tab
  3. Available Licensed Software
  4. Click on the software title to navigate to the related page where you will find information on:
    • how to download the software
    • system requirements
    • training and support

Staff looking to have software installed on their University computer should contact their relevant IT Support Team.

We can also help you find the software you need in a computer suite on campus.

If we do not have the software you need

Any staff member can make a request for a University site-license to be purchased for a software package. We will consider requests based on the following criteria:

  • cross-faculty use
  • number of users/faculties currently using software
  • cost of site-licence
  • software comparison with software currently available via Pegasus

Please download the Software License Proposal Form, fill it in and email it back to us (contact Information Services).

Important: licence agreements

The University provides downloadable software packages for use on University-owned computers free of charge to staff and students. In some instances, software may also be installed on personal devices.

You must always check the licensing terms and conditions when you download software from this page. A copy of the licensing terms and conditions will be emailed to you when you log in and download software. Terms and conditions for software vary, but generally:

  • the majority of software can not be used for commercial purposes
  • you are only entitled to use the software for as long as you are a member of staff/student at Strathclyde
  • you must not distribute copies of software (or licence codes) to others, including former colleagues or contractors

Please remember, all downloads are logged and may be audited by our suppliers. One person misusing a licence - even accidentally - may result in access being withdrawn from everyone. If you are in any doubt, contact to check software is suitable for your needs.