Software Available for year 2024/25
Due to some machines being powered off during software deployment you may find the odd piece of software from the list missing, if you do then please note the machine name and the piece of software and email to and we will endeavour to reinstall it. There should be a label on the base unit to help you identify the machine it will start with the prefix "CML-"
Please be aware that the Windows Virtual Desktop is still be available for those users who wish to access software remotely.
The following software is available on the Centrally Managed Lab PC's and on the Student Virtual Desktop unless indicated:
- 7ZIP
- Adobe Digital Editions v4.5. Not available on Virtual Desktop
- Adobe Reader
- Affinity Suite Designer V2.5
- Affinity Suite Photo V2.5
- Affinity Suite Publisher V2.5
- AMOS 29
- Anaconda 2024.06
- ANSYS Fluent and Structures 2024R2
- ArcGIS Pro V3.3
- Arduino V2.3.2
- Aspen V14
- Audacity V3.6.1 No available on Virtual Desktop
- AutoCAD 2024
- Autodesk Revit 2024 with Interoperability Tools Plugin
- BIOVIA Discovery Studio 2021
- BlueJ V5.3.0
- Cambridge Spiral V1.0
- Chemdraw 2023.1.1
- Civil 3D 2024
- CodonCode Aligner 10.0.2
- Decision Explorer v3.6. Only available on Virtual Desktop.
- DFMA V2023A
- Eclipse IDE 2024
- Edgecam 2024.1. Not available on Virtual Desktop
- Edupack 2024R2
- EndNote v21.4
- ESP-R V13.3.16
- Etomica 2023
- Excel Plugin for S&P Capital IQ Database
- Excel Solver V16.0
- FEBio Studio 2.6. Not available on Virtual Desktop
- Fico Express V8.12.0
- FileOpen Client V 3.0.176. Not available on Virtual Desktop
- G*Power V3.1.9.7
- GAMS V46.4.1
- Gaussian 09W
- GaussView 5.0.9
- GeNIe V7.14.5
- Geostudio 2024.1
- Gephi V0.10.1
- Ghostscript V10.03
- Git
- Google Earth Pro
- Handbrake V1.8.1 Not available on Virtual Desktop
- Hec-RAS V6.5
- Intellij IDEA Community Edition 2024.1.4
- IrfanView V4.67
- JASP V 0.19.0
- JAWS 2023. Not available on Virtual Desktop
- LabVIEW with myRIO 2021. Only available in James Weir 410 and 411
- Lloyds Rules Calc 2018.0.0.13
- Maple 2024
- MathCAD Prime V7.0
- MatLAB R2024a
- MaxSurf V23.5
- Microsoft OpenJDK V21.0.3
- Microsoft Office 365
- Microsoft Project Professional 2021
- Microsoft Visual Code V1.91.1
- Miktex V24.3
- MindGenius 2020. Not available on Virtual Desktop
- Minitab V22.1
- MobaXTerm Pro V24.1
- Navisworks Manage 2024
- NetLogo 6.4.0
- Notepad ++ V8.6.9
- Oracle Virtualbox 7.0.20 Not available on Virtual Desktop
- Orcaflex V11.2
- Paraview V5.12
- Praat V6.4.12
- Pycharm Community Edition 2024.1.4
- PsychoPy V2024.1.4
- Python 3.12
- QGIS 3.36.2
- R V4.4.1
- R Studio 2024.04
- Read&Write V12.0.82 Not available on Virtual Desktop
- Reliability Workbench 15.0.2
- Reliasoft 2022
- Reliasoft nCode 2022
- Rhino V7.37
- Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2024
- Safe Exam Browser V3.7.1. Not available on Virtual Desktop. Will not run on lab computers connected to projectors or dual displays.
- SAP GUI V7.70 Not available on Virtual Desktop.
- Scottish Voices V6.1. Not available on Virtual Desktop
- SESAM 2020
- Simul8 V31
- Solidworks 2024 SP02
- SPSS 29
- StarCCM+ 2022.1.1
- Stella Professional 3.7.1. Only available in Stenhouse 601a on PC's: CML-STN601A-AA to AO, BA to BO, CA to CO and DA to DO
- Tableau Desktop 2024. Only available in the Library.
- Tableau Prep Builder 2024. Only available in the Library.
- Tekla Tedds 2023. Not available on Virtual Desktop
- TexStudio V4.8.1
- ThinLinc Client V4.16.0
- VLC Media Player V3.0.20
- Windchill Risk and Reliability V11.1
- WinSCP V6.1.1
- Zoom. Not available on Virtual Desktop
- ZoomText 2023. Not available on Virtual Desktop
Software Listed under the SIPBS folder (see below)
- Ace Potential Sim v1.0.5
- APE - Plasmid editor V3.1.0
- Anaesthertised Cat V2.6.2
- Biograph V2.1.6.0
- Epilepsy Sim V1.0.7
- Hummod V1.6.1
- Neuromuscular junction V2.1.9
- NeuronSim V1.0.2
- Organ Bath Sim V3.4
- Rat CVS V3.3.7
- Twitch V2.2.1
- Virtual Cat V 2.6.2