Upskilling @ StrathclydeUnderstanding Emotional Intelligence

Module Lead: Mr Ranjit Das

Teaching Fellow

Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship


Target Audience Ideal for anyone who wishes to develop their own emotional intelligence.

Upskilling modules are funded by the Scottish Government and the Scottish Funding Council.

A limited number of fully funded places are available to applicants living in Scotland. Early application is advised.

Duration of study  1 day from 09:00-16:30 
Delivery dates

Tuesday 20th February 2024.

To register your interest in the module contact

Delivery location Strathclyde Business School, 199 Cathedral Street, Glasgow, G4 0QU
Delivery mode Face-to-face
What you will study and achieve

This short course will raise awareness of participants’ own emotional intelligence profiles and will identify the ways in which to development them.

Emotional intelligence forms an integral part of success within organisations. Many within the workplace realise that it’s not ‘book smarts’ but ‘street smarts’ that reap rewards.

Taking control of one’s own emotions is an important first step in understanding emotional intelligence. Being able to read or gauge other people’s personalities and frames of mind and having the ability to manage them is the next.

Credits and certification

The course is worth 5 credits at SCQF level 7 which you can refer to in any job or academic application. You will receive a formal University of Strathclyde certificate of completion after the closing date of the course.

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