Mr Ranjit Das

Senior Teaching Fellow

Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship, Strategy and Innovation


Personal statement

As a Senior Teaching Fellow in Strathclyde Business School:

  • I work with a varied team responsible for the design, development, and delivery of a range of teaching programmes, primarily to a suite of MSc programmes.
  • I work across and within teaching programmes, and anticipate new directions for the teaching teams.


Prior to joining SBS I spent 20+ years in progressively senior HR roles in industry. I have worked for BP, DHL, Credit Suisse and GE. I have wide expertise in the areas of:

  • leadership and top talent development
  • team effectiveness
  • executive coaching
  • succession planning
  • behavioural assessment
  • development centres
  • HR strategy, processes and tools


Like all members of SBS I am an active business consultant - this ensures I stay relevant and my teaching reflects the issues facing businesses today. Recent consulting assignments include:

  • Change management - I worked with my client to help them plan and implement significant changes in their company following an acquisition.
  • Strategy workshop - I helped a group identify their key strategic issue, gather information about it, and outline decisions or action plans needed to address the issue.
  • Talent Management - I helped a client design and run assessment centres in order to assess their talent and create succession plans.
  • Dysfunctional team development- I helped a team to develop its ability to work more effectively together.
  • Customized Training - I worked with a client to develop customised training for them.



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Professional Activities

Building a Business Case (Toolkit/Guide)

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Business Support for Product Design Scotland
Simmons, Emilee Lauran (Principal Investigator) Das, Ranjit (Principal Investigator)
Myself and my colleague, Ranjit, worked with Product Design to support their networks of SMEs and product designers.
TIC LCPE: Building Data Analytics Capacity (Bilateral) (Data-01)
Gounaris, Spiros (Principal Investigator) Das, Ranjit (Co-investigator)
15-May-2018 - 27-Sep-2018

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Mr Ranjit Das
Senior Teaching Fellow
Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship, Strategy and Innovation

Tel: 548 3284