Integrating One Health and ocean health discussions
Aug 2021 — In August 2021, One Ocean Hub researcher Dr Claire Lajaunie — an Affiliate researcher at SCELG — was included in the global roster of International Legal Experts on One Health of the Legal Office of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. In addition, she has contributed to the development of a One Health Assessment Tool for Antimicrobial Resistant-relevant Legislation with FAO. Under the project One Ocean Hub, Dr Lajaunie is exploring with Dr Mazzega the disconnections between research and policy on ocean health and on the One Health approach, and this research will be presented at the Climate COP in Glasgow as part of the One Ocean Hub’s project video for Virtual Ocean Pavilion.
Figure in Hills J.M., Lajaunie C., Maharaj P.N. and P. Mazzega, Orchestrating the Ocean using a National Ocean Policy: the case of the Solomon Islands, Front. Mar. Sci. | doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.676944