Elaine Webster
SCELG Staff Member
Dr Elaine Webster is a Senior Lecturer at Strathclyde Law School and Director of the Centre for the Study of Human Rights Law. She is also a fellow of Strathclyde’s Centre for Health Policy. Elaine’s research interests are in interpretation of human rights by different actors, including judicial bodies and civil society advocacy groups. The concept of human dignity within human rights interpretation is a central theme in her work and she has also researched in the field of human rights education. She has a particular interest in the right not to be subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment and its application across diverse contexts. She has interests in the environmental governance field; namely, in judicial and extra-judicial human rights interpretation and narratives, and in the relationship between ‘human dignity’ and human right perspectives on environmental protection. She is a co-investigator on the UK Government funded One Ocean Hub project.
Elaine’s full profile is available here.
Elaine’s areas of expertise:
- Human Rights
- Oceans
- Health