Professor Andrew Daley



Personal statement

My research centers on the boundary between quantum optics, many-body physics, and experiments in both AMO physics and the solid state. In particular, much of our present research is focussed on implementations and applications of quantum computing and quantum simulation. We are developing both new architectures for highly controlled quantum systems, and protocols (including software and algorithms) to apply these to problems of interest also outside of many-body physics.

On the side of quantum simulation, over the course of the last 10 years, advances in experiments with ultracold quantum gases have made possible the realization of strongly interacting systems, which can be used to explore complex many-body phenomena. Motivated by and in connection with these experiments, we explore novel phenomena on a theoretical level with analytical and numerical techniques. In particular, we are interested in the non-equilibrium dynamics of quantum gases, treating both coherent many-body dynamics (e.g., transport dynamics, or the exploration of metastable many-body states and their associated quantum phases), and dissipative many-body dynamics (e.g., heating of quantum gases in optical potentials, or engineering dissipative driving to produce complex many-body states).

On the level of applications, we have ongoing collaborations with experimentalists implementing quantum computing, especially with neutral atoms and trapped ions. We are also working with colleagues in other disciplines and in industry in order to identify potential near to medium term applications beyond basic physics.

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Few-body bound topological and flat-band states in a Creutz ladder
Pelegrí G, Flannigan S, Daley A J
Physical Review B Vol 109 (2024)
Ultracold atoms carrying orbital angular momentum : engineering topological phases in lattices
Nicolau E, Pelegrí G, Polo J, Marques A M, Daley A J, Mompart J, Dias R G, Ahufinger V
EPL Vol 145 (2024)
Commensurate and incommensurate 1D interacting quantum systems
Di Carli Andrea, Parsonage Christopher, La Rooij Arthur, Koehn Lennart, Ulm Clemens, Duncan Callum, Daley Andrew, Haller Elmar, Kuhr Stefan
Nature Communications Vol 15 (2024)
Onset of scrambling as a dynamical transition in tunable-range quantum circuits
Kuriyattil Sridevi, Hashizume Tomohiro, Bentsen Gregory, Daley Andrew J
PRX Quantum Vol 4 (2023)
Can multipartite entanglement be characterized by two-point connected correlation functions?
Lepori Luca, Trombettoni Andrea, Giuliano Domenico, Kombe Johannes, Yago Malo Jorge, Daley Andrew J, Smerzi Augusto, Luisa Chiofalo Maria
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical Vol 56 (2023)
Many-body spin rotation by adiabatic passage in spin-1/2 XXZ chains of ultracold atoms
Dimitrova Ivana, Flannigan Stuart, Lee Yoo Kyung, Lin Hanzhen, Amato-Grill Jesse, Jepsen Niklas, Cepaite Ieva, Daley Andrew J, Ketterle Wolfgang
Quantum Science and Technology Vol 8 (2023)

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Professional Activities

BBC Article on neutral atom quantum computing
Intelligent Computational Engineering quantum computing event
Invited speaker
Scottish Centre for Innovation in Quantum Computing and Simulation Industry Workshop
Scottish Centre for Innovation in quantum computing and simulation (External organisation)

More professional activities


DTP 2224 University of Strathclyde | Carfora, Lorenzo
Kuhr, Stefan (Principal Investigator) Daley, Andrew (Co-investigator) Carfora, Lorenzo (Research Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2023 - 01-Jan-2027
Quantum Error Correction in a dual-species Rydberg array (QuERy)
Pritchard, Jonathan (Principal Investigator) Daley, Andrew (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2023 - 31-Jan-2026
QCA Cluster Phase 3
Daley, Andrew (Principal Investigator) Pritchard, Jonathan (Co-investigator) Rossi, Alessandro (Co-investigator) Ward, Jeremy Stuart (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2023 - 31-Jan-2024
Adiabatic and dynamical algorithms for quantum hardware
Daley, Andrew (Principal Investigator) Duncan, Callum (Research Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2023 - 31-Jan-2025
Innovation Accelerator for Neutral Atom Quantum Optimisation
Daley, Andrew (Principal Investigator) Pritchard, Jonathan (Co-investigator) Ward, Jeremy Stuart (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2023 - 31-Jan-2025
DTP 2224 University of Strathclyde | Janiurek, Lara
Kendon, Vivien (Principal Investigator) Daley, Andrew (Co-investigator) Janiurek, Lara (Research Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2022 - 01-Jan-2026

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Professor Andrew Daley

Tel: 548 4205