Strathclyde Business SchoolAccreditations & rankings

AACSB accreditation is a process of voluntary, non-governmental review of educational institutions and programmes, reviewing entire colleges and universities. As a specialised agency, AACSB International grants accreditation for undergraduate and graduate business administration and accounting programmes.

AACSB International accreditation represents the highest standard of achievement for business schools, worldwide. Institutions that earn accreditation confirm their commitment to quality and continuous improvement through a rigorous and comprehensive peer review. AACSB International accreditation is the hallmark of excellence in management education.

AACSB International accreditation assures stakeholders that business schools:

  • manage resources to achieve a vibrant and relevant mission
  • advance business and management knowledge through faculty scholarship
  • provide high-calibre teaching of quality and current curricula
  • cultivate meaningful interaction between students and a qualified faculty
  • produce graduates who have achieved specified learning goals

Acknowledging the diversity within AACSB, all accredited members share a common purpose - the preparation of students to enter useful professional, societal and personal lives. The accreditation review focuses on a member's clear determination of its mission, development of its faculty members, and the planning and delivery of its instruction. Each institution must achieve and demonstrate an acceptable level of performance consistent with its mission while satisfying AACSB accreditation standards.

In the accreditation process, schools must complete a self-evaluation report. AACSB evaluates the report, and a visit by the peer review team follows. For AACSB accreditation, a school must offer degree-granting programmes in business or management, and there must be continuing resources for these programmes.

The programmes must support diversity among its students and faculty. AACSB investigates the accreditation process, quality of students and staff, teaching and resources, research, and interaction between students and staff.

Strathclyde was first awarded AACSB accreditation in December 2003.

AACSB logo


Strathclyde Business School
University of Strathclyde
199 Cathedral Street
G4 0QU

Triple accredited

Picture of the 5 logos for SBS accreditation awards
Picture of the 5 logos for SBS accreditation awards