Iberdrola MBA in the Global Energy Industry 
The MBA in Global Energy Industry is a customised Executive Education and Development programme that adapts the Strathclyde MBA experience to meet the needs of Iberdrola in their ever-growing international landscape.
Delivered jointly with Strathclyde Business School in Glasgow and Universidad Pontificia Comillas in Madrid, the tailored business and engineering classes have been developed to reflect the energy sector imperatives. As well as core classes that equip the students with a greater understanding of how to really make a business work. The participants are provided with management tools, analytical skills and the specialist knowledge required to effectively lead organisations. They learn through a mixture of self-study, intensive lectures, seminars, online webinars, group work and exposure to ‘real life’ business scenarios and case studies.
On completion, the students receive an MBA from the University of Strathclyde and an MBA in the Global Energy Industry from Universidad Pontificia Comillas.
It is very easy to become consumed by your day-to-day activities in a large company, and so opening your mind to a wider world of business skills and techniques has been career-changing for me. This MBA programme has been intense, comprehensive and immensely valuable in giving me not only immediate skills to apply on a daily basis, but also a wider appreciation of how value can be created through applied learning for long-term organisational success.
Barry Carruthers, Head of Innovation, Sustainability and Quality at Scottish Power, and Cohort 3 Graduate
The MBA in Global Energy Industry is a stimulating and truly enriching experience. Its focus on cooperation and active discussions provides a unique opportunity for practical learning, pushing you out of your comfort zone. On top of an excellent academic programme, it creates international relationship building with Iberdrola peers and it encourages the development of a strong skillset, needed for any leadership positions.
Virginia Ruiz Albacete, Business Performance Analysis Manager, Iberdrola Renewables, and Cohort 4 student