Data Analytics (MSc)Adriano Arenas Mortola

After completing an undergraduate degree in their native Ecuador, Adriano decided to pursue the MSc Data Analytics course at Strathclyde. Find out what Adriano thinks of the course...

What were you doing before the MSc?

Before my MSc Data Analytics at Strathclyde, I received a Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering back home in Ecuador. After one year of working, I decided I wanted to experience Europe and move more into the data world. Unfortunately, after months of applying to jobs, it was clear I didn’t have the required skills to do it.

What made you take the programme? Why choose Strathclyde?

I will admit that, although I know they are important, I am not the biggest fan of theory heavy courses. I am a more hands-on person. So, reading that Strathclyde is “the place of useful learning” with a lot of practical, hands-on courses, combined with its prestigious business school, made my decision to choose the University pretty easy.

What has been your experience of the classes?

From reading the course’s name, you would think you need to be a good programmer to do it. Well, I came into the course with limited to no programming experience, and I’m finishing the program being, I believe, proficient in Python, R and SQL. The course is well structured for people who have no programming experience and would really like to get into the data world.

With most modules and assessments being very hands-on, we got to experience how to apply all these skills in practical scenarios. Data Analytics in Practice is one of the most notable hands-on modules. It revolves around doing real life projects for clients that ranged from local governments to Big Four consultancy companies.

How does the course fit into your longer aspirations for study/career in the future?

Having a title with the reputation of the University of Strathclyde’s Business School on my CV is something to be proud of. I can attest from personal experience how this course can help someone’s career, the python and SQL skills acquired during this course have helped me get a role as a Data Analyst in a Fortune 500 company.

What advice would you give to prospective students?

Firstly, if you have no experience in programming, the learning curve at the start can be quite tough. However, don’t let this discourage you during the first few weeks. Once you get the hang of it, it gets easier (I can tell you from experience).

Secondly, be sure the elective classes you chose align with your objectives, as they are really useful with how hands-on they are. I personally went with the machine learning and database classes and couldn’t be happier.

Finally, if your classes are online, I know it can be awkward to participate or turn on your camera, but trust me, it makes you stand out.