My name is Jade and I began studying at Strathclyde in September of 2018. I have just completed my third year and will be moving onto my PDGE year in August. Before coming to Glasgow I lived in Dumfries, I have recently moved back there and will be commuting for my final year.
The main draw to Strathclyde for me at first was that, at the time, Strathclyde was the only University in Scotland offering a course that allowed me to do both a Physics degree and a teaching qualification in a four year course, which meant that I didn’t have to come back and do a year postgrad. This was a pretty big attraction for me because my goal was to become a Physics teacher. Another big thing was that Strathclyde is in Glasgow, which was close enough to home that I could be back there easily, but far enough away that I really felt as though I had left home.