Chemical & Process Engineering students have an opportunity to spend up to one year of their degree studying at a partner University in Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Singapore.
From an academic perspective, study abroad enables you to study your subject from a different angle. It is also a valuable addition to your CV and a superb talking point at interviews when you come to graduate. Time spent abroad counts towards your degree and will help you to develop life-skills, boost your self-confidence and independence. This time can be the most rewarding in terms of personal development and establishing your career direction for the future.
Going on Erasmus Exchange
There are around 200 Erasmus agreements across the university. Strathclyde students can only go on an Erasmus+ Exchange to a university if there is an Erasmus and Bilateral Agreement in place. However, the list of partner universities may be subject to change. The Department of Chemical & Process Engineering currently holds Erasmus Exchange agreements with the following universities:
- Graz University of Technology (Austria)
- Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague (Czech Republic)
- Chimie Paris Tech (France)
- University of Lorraine (France)
- Paul Sabatier University (France)
- Polytechnic of Torino (Italy)
- Slovak University of Technology (Slovakia)
- University of Alicante (Spain)
- University of Oviedo (Spain)
- Rey Juan Carlos University (Spain)
- Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) (Spain)
- Chalmers Technical University (Sweden)
- language of instruction: English (with other European languages as options)
- duration of exchange: You can go on an Erasmus Exchange in your 5th Year second semester to undertake a project
- equivalent classes: You will attend classes that are the equivalent of what you would study if you were at Strathclyde. Because of this, you are not increasing the duration of your degree
- credits attained during Erasmus: Credit gained whilst on Erasmus count towards your degree. You must, therefore, study courses relevant to your degree and obtain approval for your programme of study from the department’s Erasmus coordinator
- finance: In most cases you will qualify for an Erasmus Student Mobility grant to cover some of the extra costs of studying abroad like accommodation, food, travel, books, insurance and any other living expenses. This is a grant and therefore does not need to be repaid. If you are eligible to receive any loans or bursaries, you continue to be entitled to receive these whilst you are on exchange
- application deadlines: For students commencing studies in September, the deadline is normally 15 May of the same year. For students commencing studies in January, the deadline is normally 1 October of the previous year
Going on International Student Exchange
Students can apply for International exchange during 3rd and 5th year of their undergraduate course. Eligibility to undertake an International Exchange is subject to the Student’s academic performance in the academic year immediately prior to the Exchange. Students undertaking an academic exchange in 5th year, typically undertake a semester-long research project abroad
- exchange level: 3rd Year undergraduate or 5th Year undergraduate
- duration of exchange: Semester 1: September – January; Semester 2: January – June; Full Year: September – June (it varies from country to country)
- application process for exchange: Students usually apply in their 2nd year with a view to going abroad in their 3rd year, typically for one or both semesters. Other students apply in Semester 1 of 5th Year with a view to going abroad for a semester-long research project during semester 2
- partner universities: A list of partner universities, with which Strathclyde has exchange agreements, is available via “International Exchange”
- credits attained during international exchange: The credits gained during your exchange period will be recorded on your transcripts and further details of your exchange will be in your diploma supplement that you will receive once you graduate.
- finance: fees continue to be paid to Strathclyde whilst you are on exchange. You do not pay fees at the host University. UK students from outside of Scotland should check with Recruitment International Office (RIO) for confirmation of their fee arrangements. Students are required to cover all other costs relating to their exchange including flights, medical insurance which is often mandatory through the host University, visas, accommodation and books. Most students tend to fund these costs through their student loan or any personal savings they may have. If you usually receive any grants or scholarships, these should not be adversely affected if you decide to study abroad.