Civil & Environmental EngineeringLECO Pegasus 4D GCxGC-TOFMS

LECO's Pegasus 4D is a comprehensive two dimensional Gas Chromatograph Time-of-Flight mass spectrometer.

Comprehensive two dimensional gas chromatography (GCxGC) allows for the complete analysis and characterisation of complex samples. As opposed to heartcutting, GCxGC passes all effluent from the primary column through the secondary column, thereby maximising sample resolution throughout the entire analysis. The effluent is refocused before passing into the secondary column enabling an accurate second dimension of chromatographic resolution. Two orthogonal separation phases (such as polar and non-polar) can thus be used within a single analysis. In addition the process can increase sensitivity by 10 times.

TOF-MS instruments measure the time taken for fragments of an analyte to travel a set distance. The time is directly proportional to the mass of the fragment, and a Mass Spectra is thus created. The spectra is then compared to known analytes in spectra libraries.

LECO's TOF-MS generates full spectra 500 times per second over a mass range of 5 - 1000 amu.

These speeds create unrivalled deconvolution of overlapping chromatographic peaks creating further resolution of the chromatogram. Fast GC can also be achieved bringing run times down to under 5 minutes for suitable samples.

The Pegasus's unique open source allows for dirty samples to be analysed without cleaning the source. A sample can be run, the run again a year later without loss of sensitivity.

Pegasus4D: 4 Dimensions of Separation Analysis

  1. 1st Dimensional Chromatography
  2. 2nd Dimension Chromatography
  3. Mass Spectrometer Analyser
  4. Mathematical algorithms with deconvolution.

Areas of Study

Highly complex matrixes such as

  • petrochemical
  • rubber
  • tar

Natural complex matrixes such as

  • food
  • plants
  • animal tissue
  • blood and urine

Looking for

  • Metabolomics
  • Pesticides
  • Drugs of Abuse
  • Toxicology

Commercial products looking at

  • Perfumes
  • Flavanoids
  • Allergens
  • Industrial Espionage


  • new synthetic drugs
  • by-products of chemical synthesis