Enabling an evidence-based Net Zero transition in the UK


European Climate Foundation


January 2023 - December 2024


This one-year project funded by the European Climate Foundation and led by the Centre for Energy Policy (CEP) aims to enable and strengthen a more effective and evidence-based Net Zero transition and associated energy and climate public policy discourse and decision-making in the UK.

In a politically and economically volatile context – both domestically and globally - decision-makers in the UK are grappling with rapidly emerging and shifting challenges such as energy price shocks, cost-of-living and -doing businesses crises and energy security, as well as ensuring progress against agreed and longer-term Net Zero economy ambitions and climate change targets.

This project will provide critical and timely policy analysis and insights on the macroeconomic and distributional impacts and implications of Net Zero and wider energy and climate policy actions and decisions. Drawing and building on CEP’s body of research it will also offer insights on how outcomes can be improved through effective planning and policy coordination, and will help identify economically and politically feasible pathways to a sustainable and fairer future for the UK around which consensus can build.

Image Credit: Tracey Whitefoot, flickr.comCC BY-NC 2.0