Restorative Practices – New Foundational Skills Course
Strathclyde Centre for Law, Crime & Justice is delighted to announce its new 2018 Restorative Practices Foundation Skills Course
The Two-Part Course will take place on : 14-15 and May 4-6th June at Strathclyde University.
Strathclyde is the only place on mainland Britain to offer this world-renowned course. It will provide participants with a unique opportunity to gain foundational skills in Restorative Practice which are applicable to a wide range of situations in which persons have been harmed.
There is increasing demand for restorative practices in a wide variety of contexts. Restorative Practices (including Restorative Justice) is a process that brings together those harmed and those responsible for the harm to safely discuss the harm and how it might be set right.
International research suggests RJ can help people to recover from harm, encourage those involved to think again, and provide a more satisfying experience for all involved.
The Intensive Course is for a very wide range of people including for example:
- lawyers
- social workers
- teachers
- faith groups
- youth and community workers
- members of the third sector
- recent graduates, or current students, wishing to add distinctive skills to complement their academic repertoire.
The Course, which is recognised by the Restorative Justice Council, is being led by one of the world’s most foremost experts on Restorative Justice and Practices, Tim Chapman.
Prof Cyrus Tata, Director of the Centre for Law, Crime & Justice commented:
There is increasing use of Restorative Justice throughout the world and growing interest in Scotland. But while there is increasing demand for Restorative Practices, it is widely recognised that there need more people skilled in delivering Restorative Practices. This course will help.
We are thrilled, therefore, to announce that the Skills Course will be led by the internationally-renowned trainer Tim Chapman. He brings an extraordinary wealth of knowledge and experience as one of the world’s foremost practitioners and thinkers about Restorative Justice, and as a brilliant educator and trainer. Participants will learn from and with the very best.
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