Webinar Series: Accelerating progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals in the post-COVID era: the contribution of Universities
After the success of our previous webinar series, we are excited to announce our next one for February and March 2021. This series will look at the contribution of Universities to the SDGs in the post-COVID era, hosted by Strathclyde and our global partners.
The webinars are open to all staff, students and public, and will take place every Tuesday from 23rd February through 23rd March. The list of webinars are as follows:
Supporting Evidence to secure SDGs
Tuesday February 23, 2021 - 1pm GMT
Using the COVID-19 pandemicas a basis, this webinar will examine the role of Universities, and international collaborations in the provision of an evidence base for COVID-19 prevention measures. Using real world examples from the COVID-19 Hygiene Hub, we will discuss how academics have worked hand in hand with government, private and third sector, civil society and communities to support and inform COVID-19 response, and how this can be used as a foundation to ensure long term gains in health and hygiene to support attainment of the SDGs. Hosted by University of Strathclyde.
University partnerships to advance the SDGs: local, national, and international examples
Tuesday March 2, 2021 - 1pm GMT
Drawing upon experiences from the University of Waterloo, one of Canada's leading higher education institutions, speakers will discuss the roles that partnerships play in advancing the SDGs. Examined are entrepreneurial partnerships (Greenhouse), community partnerships (Reep Green Solutions), national partnerships (Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Canada), and international partnerships. These examples from different organisations will inform a broader discussion about SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals. Hosted by University of Waterloo.
Our sustainable development journey, and the future strategy of Universities
Tuesday March 9, 2021 - 1pm GMT
Integrating sustainable development into a university's operations requires systematic and long-term work with leadership and commitment from employees. An important issue is how the faculty and the administration can work together to strengthen the integration of sustainable development into the organisation and the mission. This webinar will share the experiences of KTH integrating sustainable development in education, research, collaboration, and the institutions environmental impact that arises from business travel, energy consumption, procurement, etc. A discussion will be held about the future strategy, opportunities and challenges and the lessons that can be learned. Hosted by KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
Delivering social impact through transformative community engagements
Tuesday March 16, 2021 - 1pm GMT
This webinar will examine the role and responsibility business schools have in delivering meaningful social impact in meeting the SDGs. With a focus on social justice and inclusion, Armand Bam will explore through presentation and interviews examples of successful community partnerships and student engagements at the University of Stellenbosch Business School. Hosted by University of Stellenbosch.
Interdependencies of SDGs - examining carbon systems
Tuesday March 23, 2021 - 11am GMT
Using research from Peking University, this webinar will explore the interdependencies between SDGs from two perspectives. Dr Hancheng Dai will discuss the need to consider the wider impacts of climate action, exploring the opportunities and risks for health, the economy and energy systems. Followed by Professor Xinrong Zhang, who will examine the use of CO2 as a sustainable energy resource. Hosted by Peking University.
You can register for individual webinars here.