It's essential that you do your research and get lots of advice well in advance of your gap year. Taking a gap year is a big investment of your time and finances so you'll want to make informed decisions.
Careers ServicePlanning a gap year abroad
The Careers Service subscribes to GoinGlobal, an online international jobs and internships database which gives Strathclyde students access to the latest vacancies (DS login required).
It's a great resource for those thinking about a global career and includes worldwide country guides covering:
- job search resources, job hunting tips and local job search links
- CV guidelines and tips, with examples for each country
- visa information
- cultural advice
GoinGlobal is free for all Strathclyde University students and graduates of the last five years.
Volunteering & unpaid project work
There are many organisations, some of whom may be charities, who can arrange a project for you abroad. Projects could be in the area of conservation, environment, community education, teaching. These projects tend to be expensive, even for a short-term project. In most cases, participants are required to contribute towards programme costs, which can be considerable, as well as paying for other costs. If you're interested in doing such a project, find out exactly how much finance you'd need - including programme costs, flights, visas, travel and health insurance and funds to support you during your time abroad, so that you can plan well in advance of your trip. Most organisations offer advice on how to fundraise.
Useful websites:
- Year Out Group
- The Leap
- Gap year Canada
- Anglo-Omani Society provides a gap year scheme
- Working Abroad - volunteer database which claims to only list ethical opportunities
- Workaway - database of community volunteering experiences across the world, often working with on a family farm or in a small community organisation