Mr Robert Bann
Senior Manager
Benoit Marketing
6 Mackie Square
10 July 2021
Dear Mr Bann
Reference for Jessica Muir
I have known Jessica from 2017-2021 in my capacity as senior lecturer in the School of Government and Public Policy at the University of Strathclyde.
Jessica attended classes which I taught from first year up until her final year, which ended in June. She studied a range of modules which I taught, including Contemporary British Governance, International Relations & Global Politics, Quantitative Methods in Social Research, and Governance & Development. Jessica earned 65%, 64%, 65% and 67% respectively in these modules - 2.1 class grades. Her attendance was excellent and she was always an active participant in each seminar, often leading discussions and formulating interesting opinions and theories. When Jessica was asked to lead a seminar as part of her assessment, she had a confident manner and clear speaking voice and was able to disseminate difficult concepts in a way that ensured audience members could grasp them.
In my opinion, Jessica has an array of strengths to offer an employer. She demonstrated excellent organisational skills, always handing in her well-written work on time or early. Her ability to lead successfully was shown each time she volunteered to be team leader of a research group and she was able to solve any problems encountered quickly and effectively while listening to others. She is a friendly individual who is bright, motivated and always willing to learn and develop.
In conclusion, I would highly recommend Jessica for the position of Marketing Manager. If her performance at Strathclyde is an indication of how she would perform in the job, I believe she will be a very positive addition to Benoit Marketing.
Yours sincerely
Madeline Baker
Senior Lecturer