FinanceSupplementary Payment System

The online Supplementary Payments System is used to process claims for hourly-paid work carried out by University students and external assignees. University of Strathclyde students can complete claim forms online, via Pegasus. Undertaken Duties claimants (external assignees) complete the Undertaken Duties Claim Form. All claims for payment are then processed by departmental administrators before being passed to the appropriate budgetary signatories for approval. Following approval, payments are made by way of the monthly supplementary payroll, directly to assignees' bank accounts.

Please be aware that everybody undertaking work for the University must first have presented evidence of their eligibility to work in the UK, and that payments can only be made once this evidence has been uploaded (by departmental administrators) into the system. Further information on the University's obligations under Home Office legislation is available on the Right to Work page of the University website.

Guidance materials for the system can be found on the Supplementary Payments SharePoint. Please direct queries to

The deadline for claims to be approved is 10am 5th of the month. If the 5th falls on a weekend or public holiday, then it is the next working day. Due to the Festive Holidays the deadline for December and January can vary, communication is always given to confirm the deadlines for these months.