Most referrals to Occupational Health usually come via management such as HR or line managers. However, all members of staff are able to “self-refer” if they wish and are encouraged to seek advice before they become ill and absent.
All employees who self‑refer to the Occupational Health Service will be assured that any discussions will be treated confidentially and no reports are returned to management without explicit consent. However in relevant work-related cases, where it would be beneficial to the employee to directly raise issues at management level, they will be encouraged to do so.
Self-referral to the Occupational Health Service has limitations on how much assistance can be given for workplace matters unless management are involved. Most occupational health issues can only be addressed if the University/manager is aware of the circumstances. Without knowledge of a problem the manager cannot be expected to give appropriate support, so in instances of work-related health matters, the management referral process is advised. If it is a safety concern with health implications, the Area or Departmental Safety Convener should be included in the process.
- The Occupational Health Service does not diagnose or treat non-occupational conditions – these should be directed towards a General Practitioner.
- Self-referral to the OHS will be assessed initially by an Occupational Health Adviser and confidential advice given and only in exceptional cases if the Occupational Health Advisor thinks it necessary, onward referral on to the Occupational Physician may occur.
- Staff will be encouraged to consent to a report to management if there are work-related issues to ensure appropriate action can be taken. Refusal to do means the consultation will be of little benefit so no further appointments will be offered unless there are exceptional circumstances or follow up is required to ensure any adjustments implemented are effective.
- There may be instances where disclosure of certain information is considered necessary by the Occupational Health staff and they will seek guidance from a higher authority or a professional governing body if this is the case. Where information disclosed falls within the category of posing a danger to the health and safety of any person, a criminal offence, or fails to comply with any legal obligation, whether it is confidential or not is irrelevant.
Self–referrals can be made directly with Occupational Health (