About me
Dr Arjan Buis is a biomedical engineer, registered prosthetist/orthoptist, and co-founder of Legbank, which aims to increase access to affordable prosthetics services for people in developing countries.
How my work is changing the world
Around 30 million amputees worldwide have limited or no access to high-quality prosthetic care.
We've developed the Majicast casting device, which enables more efficient limb socket creation and increased comfort and functionality.
The product is deployed through a social enterprise model to reach low-income amputees and increase access to high-quality prosthetics.
Currently, we're conducting clinical trials and evaluating our delivery model in Colombia and envisage providing 15,000 lower-limb prosthetics in the coming five years. In addition, we're expanding our work in Rwanda, India and Bangladesh.
Find out more about our research in biomedical engineering.