Teachers and Careers AdvisersStrathclyde Advanced Higher Chemistry Practicals

Strathclyde’s Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry hosts the West of Scotland Meeting for Teachers of Chemistry in January each year. The aim of this conference is to update teachers on recent developments in the subject. The program has a heavy component of hands-on laboratory sessions, mostly aimed at providing Advanced Higher project ideas.

We currently have over 44 Advanced Higher projects available for free.

Please Note: To access the projects, you need to register and in doing so you agree that we may contact you a few times a year, only to let you know when the next conference will be available for booking and other related CPD events. You also agree that these materials are for local educational use in schools and are not to be redistributed.


These projects serve as a starting point for your own development, and they may not necessarily cover material included in the current version of the curriculum. Some may also be more suitable for other teaching levels. They have also been risk-assessed using internal procedures, so please check that these fit with your own department’s procedures.

Additional support: 
We can also help with analysis (e.g. FTIR, UV-Vis, NMR etc) of project samples. 
Also, we are open to requests to loan out items such as glassware to schools which are resource-limited. 

Please just get in touch with any queries and we will do out best to help where we can!