Chemistry at Work
Chemistry at Work was traditionally an annual event held on a rotating basis by the Universities of Strathclyde, West of Scotland and Glasgow and sponsored by the Royal Society of Chemistry.
It is currently uncertain whether this event will return to the annual calendar in the future.
This event offers school students the opportunity to appreciate the place of chemistry in everyday life and the world of work, with particular emphasis on what is happening here in Glasgow and the West of Scotland.
The event aims to show a positive image of the chemical sciences and to present them as exciting, interesting and wealth-creating activities that are worth considering as the basis of a career.
Local schools are invited to send groups of students to the event, each accompanied by a teacher. They will normally spend half a day at the event and see around six different presentations.
Many organisations give presentations at Chemistry at Work events. These range from multinational companies carrying out cutting-edge research in pharmaceuticals, for example, to small businesses such as a local dry cleaner.
For some, chemistry is their core business, while for others, such as the army, it is very much a means to an end.
Strathclyde last hosted this event in June 2018.