The internationally-leading research in our department is further strengthened by our participation in international and national collaborations. This also provides opportunities for students to visit other research teams and participate in international networks.
International collaborations
First Fraunhofer centre in the UK
The first Fraunhofer Centre in the UK – the Centre for Applied Photonics (CAP) - was set up in 2012 by the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (Germany) in close partnership with Strathclyde through the Institute of Photonics, supporting and raising the international profile of photonics research at Strathclyde.
Sustaining the impact of photonics
Strathclyde leads the SU2P partnership between our Scottish partners (St Andrews, Heriot-Watt, Glasgow) and Stanford and Caltech to help sustain the considerable impact of photonics in the UK and California.
Laser-driven plasma accelerators
Academics and researchers from Strathclyde are members of the laboratory for Laser and Beam-driven Plasma Acceleration at DESY, Hamburg, and projects at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC).
We also participate in many more informal international collaborative projects with research groups across the world.
High-power laser plasma consortia
The Strathclyde Intense Laser Interaction Studies (SILIS) group is involved in several high power laser-plasma consortia, including the pan-European ELI project, the EU COST network on Inertial Fusion Science and the HiPER project consortium. The department is also a partner in LaserLab-Europe.
Quantum simulation
Our optics division has members involved in major EU-funded consortia in quantum simulation - SIQS and QuProCS.
UK-Europe-China workshops
The ABP group is a founding member and core organiser of the collaborative series of annual UK-Europe-China Workshops on mm-waves and terahertz technologies and also has research collaborations with institutions in India, and is a UK member of a USA MURI (Multi University Research Initiative) involving several US institutions.
International fusion project
Several academics are involved in the major international magnetic confinement fusion (MCF) project, ITER, through their work at the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, CCFE. In particular, the Atomic Data and Analysis Structure (ADAS) codes and datasets used in MCF are hosted by the department.
LIGO Scientific Collaboration
The Gravity group are partners in the LIGO Scientific Collaboration.
Leadership in national centres
The following is a collection of our work with national partners:
National Physical Laboratory
Alongside the University of Surrey, we are a strategic partner in the new operational model for the National Physical Laboratory.
We're the only department in the UK involved in all four of the EPSRC-funded Quantum Technology Hubs in both phases of funding.
Founding members - Scottish Physics Alliance
We're a founding member of the Scottish Universities Physics Alliance (SUPA).
Flagship initiative - SCAPA
We host the flagship SUPA-II initiative, the Scottish Centre for the Application of Plasma-Based Accelerators (SCAPA).
Key partner - UK Nitrides consortium
The Semiconductor Spectroscopy and Devices group is a key partner in the UK Nitrides consortium.
Leading researchers using National research facilities
Researchers from the department frequently lead experiments on national research facilities, including the Vulcan, Astra-Gemini, Artemis and Ultra lasers at the Central Laser Facility, RAL, the Diamond Light Source and the Versatile Electron Linear Accelerator (VELA) at Daresbury Laboratory.
Marine alliance
We're a partner institution in the Marine Alliance for Science & Technology for Scotland.
Supercomputer centre
We host the support team for the ARCHIE WeSt regional supercomputer centre for the west of Scotland and participate in the use of national facilities at EPCC and the Hartree Centre.