Central role for Strathclyde Physics in new initiatives
The Department of Physics at Strathclyde has had significant success in attracting funding as part of the EPSRC Quantum Technology Hubs. The four funded hubs are consortia funded for a five-year initial period in a scheme totalling £120M. They involve 17 UK universities and more than 130 companies in all.
Strathclyde, via the Physics Department’s Optics Division and the Institute of Photonics, the only University involved in both phases of the four UK Quantum Hubs, demonstrating the breadth and quality of our expertise. The details of the University’s involvement are as follows:
Sensing & metrology
Experimental Quantum Optics & Photonics group members Paul Griffin, Erling Riis and Aidan Arnold, along with Institute of Photonics' Jennifer Hastie and Alan Kemp were awarded £4.7 million to develop next-generation quantum technology devices as part of a University of Birmingham-led Quantum Technology Hub on Quantum Sensing & Metrology.
The Strathclyde physics scientists will contribute to work packages on compact atomic clocks, magnetometers, rotation sensors (EQOP) and custom semiconductor disk lasrers with very narrow linewidths (IoP).
Quantum communications
CNQO member John Jeffers was awarded £0.6 million as part of the University of York-led Hub in Quantum Communications. He will concentrate on the work package focused on next generation quantum communications and will develop schemes for quantum digital signatures and quantum aplifiers.
Quantum enhanced imaging
The Institute of Photonics' micropixel University of Glasgow-led Hub in Quantum Enhanced Imaging. This hub will develop camera, microscopy and sensor systems with unprecedented capabilities. Advanced micro-LED arrays, capable of generating ultra-short pulses, will be developed for programmable pattern illumination, photon ranging, and imaging in scattering media. The institute is awarded £820k plus funding for a new flip-chip bonding tool to facilitate integration of devices.
CNQO members John Jeffers, Alison Yao and Gian-Luca Oppo will provide theory and computer modelling support for this hub. They will mainly contribute to the work package on imaging with correlation, helping to optimise design of the next generation of correlation-based cameras.
Networked Quantum Information Technologies
Martin Dawson of the Institute of Photonics has received £310,000 as part of the Oxford-led Hub in Networked Quantum Information Technologies. The work is centred on the microfabrication of optical structures in diamond. The diamond materials will contain engineered atomic-scale centres acting as quantum information bits, enabling applications including secure communications and verification.
The UK National Quantum Technologies Programme aims to ensure the successful transition of quantum technologies from laboratory to industry and is delivered by EPSRC, Innovate UK, BIS, NPL, GCHQ, DSTL and the KTN.