Dr Grant Allan




Personal statement

Grant Allan is a Reader in the Department of Economics. He joined the University in 2002, initially as a Research Assistant in the Fraser of Allander Institute.

Grant's research interests in applied multisectoral economic analysis and modelling, particularly in the areas of environment, energy and tourism.

He is very willing to supervise suitably qualified PhD students in his fields of interest.

Grant currently teaches classes in economic modelling and energy economics at the postgraduate level, as well as supervising PhD and MSc students in these areas. He also leads modules in energy economics in the DTC in Wind and Marine Energy Systems and Structures and the Industrial Doctorate Centre in Offshore Renewable Energy.

Between 2016 and 2024, Grant was Director of Postgraduate Teaching in the Department of Economics and course director for three MSc programmes. 

You'll find more details about my research, teaching and other activities on my personal webpage.

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Area of Expertise

Energy-economy-environmental modelling;

Applied regional economic analysis;

Renewable energy technologies and policies.

I am very happy to supervise suitably qualified PhD students in these areas; please get in touch if you want to discuss a potential research project.

Prize And Awards

Effective and sustained contribution to the student learning experience award

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Grant is currently Director of MSc in Applied Economics and MSc in Economics and Finance, as well as the Director of Postgraduate Taught Programmes for the Department of Economics.

He currently teaches classes in Economic Appraisal and Modelling (MSc), Energy Economics (MSc); and on courses in the Wind and Marine Energy Systems and Structures Centre of Doctoral Training and the Industrial Doctoral Centre for Offshore Renewable Energy (IDCORE).

He supervises undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as PhD students in areas of his research interests.

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Research Interests

My main research interests relate to:

  • Energy-economy-environmental modelling;
  • Applied multisectoral economic analysis.


Professional Activities

UKERC workshop on the impact of non-energy policies on the energy system
Better Metrics for More Effective Decision-making: The Need for a Regionally based Global Environmental Measurement and Monitoring Network
The impact of fiscal interventions on tourism spending, the economy and emissions: the AMOSTRAVEL model
Meet the Expert
The Regional and Global Economic and Environmental Contribution of Industries
Emissions consequences in a regionally-disaggregated global extraction model

More professional activities


ICLEI Europe: Glasgow Environmental Monitoring of Indoor and Outdoor Air (GEMINOA)
Michie, Craig (Principal Investigator) Allan, Grant (Co-investigator) Sharpe, Tim (Co-investigator) Tachtatzis, Christos (Co-investigator) Williamson, Jack (Researcher)
01-May-2023 - 30-Jun-2025
The sectoral economic impacts of COVID-19 on the tourism economy: a regional analysis focussed on Scotland
Allan, Grant (Principal Investigator) Figus, Gioele (Co-investigator) Connolly, Kevin (Researcher) Maurya, Aditya (Researcher)
01-Mar-2021 - 31-Aug-2022
XROTOR (H2020 LC SC3) X-Shaped Radical Offshore Wind Turbine For Overall Cost Of Energy Reduction'
Leithead, Bill (Principal Investigator) Allan, Grant (Co-investigator) Anaya-Lara, Olimpo (Co-investigator) Carroll, James (Co-investigator) Jamieson, Peter (Co-investigator) Stock, Adam (Co-investigator) Williamson, Jack (Researcher)
01-Jan-2021 - 31-Dec-2023
The macroeconomic impact of Fraunhofer
Allan, Grant (Principal Investigator) Figus, Gioele (Co-investigator) Roy, Graeme (Co-investigator)
04-Aug-2020 - 25-Feb-2021
Jobs supported by Exports - Dept of Int Trade
Spowage, Mairi (Principal Investigator) Allan, Grant (Co-investigator) Black, James (Co-investigator) Cooper, Benjamin (Co-investigator) Findlay, Patricia (Co-investigator) McGeoch, Adam (Co-investigator)
03-Feb-2020 - 30-Sep-2020
Building and using a framework to analyse the economic impacts of policies targeted at the tourism economy in Scotland
Allan, Grant (Principal Investigator)
01-Oct-2019 - 31-Mar-2023

More projects

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Dr Grant Allan

Email: grant.j.allan@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 4075