Professor Olimpo Anaya-Lara

Electronic and Electrical Engineering


Personal statement

My area of expertise is on power system dynamics and modeling and control of wind power plant to support power system operation. I am member of the Management Team of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Wind and Marine Energy Systems and Course Director of the MSc in Wind Energy Systems. I am a key participant to the Wind Integration Sub-Programme of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) Joint Programme Wind (JP Wind) leading Strathclyde’s involvement and contribution to this Sub-Programme. During 2010-2011 I was Visiting Professor in Wind Energy at NTNU, Trondheim, Norway funded by Det Norske Veritas. I have published 4 technical books in power systems control and wind energy electrical systems.

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Area of Expertise

Over more than 15 years now my research has concentrated in one major area, namely power system stability and dynamic modelling and control of wind energy systems for network support and operation.

My expertise has particularly focused on:

  • Modelling and analysis of mechanical and electrical systems of large wind turbines, using analytical and software-based tools, focusing on developing enhanced control systems based on a holistic analysis approach to improve overall system performance and to reduce the life-cycle cost of wind farms.
  • Designing control philosophies and schemes that enable the secure and cost-effective operation of wind electricity systems enhancing the dynamic interaction with power networks. Here my main contribution has been to control a wind power plant in such a way that it emulates the dynamic characteristics of conventional generating plant based on synchronous generators (in terms of dynamic voltage and frequency behaviour)
  • Modelling, control and dynamic analysis of advanced power converter based applications such as HVDC and reactive power compensation equipment for large-scale wind integration. My competence is on the modelling, control and simulation of these technologies to study the operation and define control requirements to address network contingencies (e.g. fault handling and frequency support).

Prize And Awards

Young presentation award
Poster Award Winner
Visiting Scientist in Wind Energy at SINTEF ER, Norway
Visiting Professor in Wind Energy at NTNU, Norway

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Academic Qualifications:

PhD in Electrical Engineering, University of Glasgow, UK, 2003.

MSc in Electrical Engineering, Instituto Tecnologico de Morelia, Mexico, 1997.

BEng in Electrical Engineering, Instituto Tecnologico de Morelia, Mexico, 1990.


Membership of Professional Bodies

• Member of the Scientific Committee of the Norwegian Research Centre for Offshore Wind Technology (NOWITECH).

• Member of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (MIET).

• Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (MIEEE).

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Low harmonics offshore hybrid HVDC system based on Vienna Rectifier and voltage source converter with back-up capability
Tian Shangen, Campos-Gaona David, Mortazavizadeh Seyed, Peña-Alzola Rafael, Anaya-Lara Olimpo
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion (2024)
Design optimization of inner and outer-rotor PMSGs for wind turbines
Yazdanpanah Reza, Mortazavi Zadeh Seyed Abolfazl, Salehian Mohammad, Campos Gaona David, Anaya-Lara Olimpo
IET Renewable Power Generation (2024)
Control system for the power electronics and rotatory transformer arrangement
Mortazavizadeh Seyed Abolfazl, Yazdanpanah Reza, Campos-Gaona David, Anaya-Lara Olimpo
Power hardware in the loop methodology applied in the integration of wind energy conversion system under fluctuations : a case study
Rosales-Valladares Valery Rubí, Salgado-Herrera Nadia Maria, Rodríguez-Hernández Osvaldo, Rodríguez-Rodríguez Juan Ramón, Granados-Lieberman David, Anaya-Lara Olimpo
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects Vol 46, pp. 2767-2791 (2024)
Offshore wind farm site selection in Norway : using a fuzzy trigonometric weighted assessment model
Cali Umit, Kantar Emre, Pamucar Dragan, Deveci Muhammet, Taylor Peter, Campos-Gaona David, Anaya-Lara Olimpo, Tande John O
Journal of Cleaner Production Vol 436 (2024)
Power-train design for XROTOR wind turbine including wireless power transmission and multi-level DAB converters
Mortazavizadeh Seyed Abolfazl, Yazdanpanah Reza, Campos-Gaona David, Anaya-Lara Olimpo
EERA DeepWind 2024 (2023)

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I teach the following core topics for 5th-year and post-graduate students:

  • Power system stability and control
  • Modelling and control of wind generator technology


I am Course Co-Director of the MSc in Wind Energy Systems and I also teach power system analysis in partner Universities in China.

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Research Interests

My research interests are focused on the following major strands:

  • advanced interface technology between the grid and offshore wind farms (including offshore wind farm arrays) to enhance the reliability and security of supply during significant events in the network. This involves exploring new options for the collection and large-scale transmission of wind generation through multi-terminal VSC-HVDC (MTDC) networks and assessing their stability and controllability, and low-frequency alternating current (LFAC) transmission.
  • control strategies for future multi-technology offshore wind power systems to facilitate Grid Code(s) compliance (fault-ride through capability, power quality and provision of dynamic voltage and frequency support to the onshore power network(s)).
  • new operational strategies for future power systems based on the smart grid concept – The utilization of wide area and real time information on the operational situation and power transfer capability will play an important role. To achieve this goal short-term forecasts of wind power generation and demand, on-line information of facility dynamic rating, adaptation of coordinated power system control and protection, should be used to push the transmission network to the limits of its capability without sacrificing efficiency and system security.
  • large-scale energy storage and interconnectors to facilitate and to accelerate the deployment of wind electricity systems in European networks.
  • high-tech multi-terminal DC-network hybrid test–bed as research and teaching tool based on the smart-grid concept to carry out real time hardware in the loop experimentation.


Professional Activities

Machines (Journal)
Peer reviewer
Optimising the utilisation of sub-sea cables in offshore wind farm collector networks using energy storage
Optimising the utilisation of sub-sea cables in offshore wind farm collector networks using energy storage
Wind Energy Science Conference 2017
Renewable energy technologies for the Nigerian power grid
Wind turbine control using Artificial Intelligence

More professional activities


Novel long-term electricity storage technologies for flexible hydropower (STORE2HYDRO)
Anaya-Lara, Olimpo (Principal Investigator) Campos-Gaona, David (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2024 - 31-Dec-2027
XROTOR (H2020 LC SC3) X-Shaped Radical Offshore Wind Turbine For Overall Cost Of Energy Reduction'
Leithead, Bill (Principal Investigator) Allan, Grant (Co-investigator) Anaya-Lara, Olimpo (Co-investigator) Carroll, James (Co-investigator) Jamieson, Peter (Co-investigator) Stock, Adam (Co-investigator) Williamson, Jack (Researcher)
01-Jan-2021 - 31-Dec-2023
OREC EIRH (Electrical Infrastructure Research Hub)
Bell, Keith (Principal Investigator) Anaya-Lara, Olimpo (Co-investigator) Burt, Graeme (Co-investigator) Stewart, Brian (Co-investigator) Xu, Lie (Co-investigator) MacIver, Callum (Researcher)
04-Jun-2018 - 03-Sep-2025
Increasing the value of Hydropower through increased Flexibilty (HYDROFLEX)
Anaya-Lara, Olimpo (Principal Investigator) Leithead, Bill (Co-investigator)
01-May-2018 - 30-Apr-2022
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Wind & Marine Energy Systems | Taylor, Peter
Anaya-Lara, Olimpo (Principal Investigator) Campos-Gaona, David (Co-investigator) Taylor, Peter (Research Co-investigator)
01-Oct-2017 - 01-Oct-2021
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Power Networks and Smart Grids | Pirrie, Paul
Anaya-Lara, Olimpo (Principal Investigator) Campos-Gaona, David (Co-investigator) Pirrie, Paul (Research Co-investigator)
01-Oct-2017 - 01-Oct-2021

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Professor Olimpo Anaya-Lara
Electronic and Electrical Engineering

Tel: 548 3197