Professor Tom Baum
Work, Employment and Organisation
Area of Expertise
- Strategic HRD planning in the public and corporate sectors
- Skills assessments in tourism
- Education and training for low skills work
- Volunteer work and volunteer roles in events and tourism
- Cultural influences on work and workplace behaviour
- Changing work and employment in frontline services
I hold BA(Hons) and MA degrees in Education from the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, an MPhil in Training and Development obtained while working with Nottingham Trent University and a PhD in Tourism Labour Market Studies from the University of Strathclyde. In 2017, I completed my DLitt degree from the University of Strathclyde, based on my published work in the field of tourism and employment over a 30 year period.
- Too many barriers to overcome? Career challenges of women in the UK hospitality industry
- Baum Tom, Kokkranikal Jithendran
- International Journal of Tourism Research Vol 26 (2024)
- 'Boys will be boys'? Submissive masculinity and sexual harassment in the gay tourism industry
- Hadjisolomou Tasos, Walters Kyla, Nickson Dennis, Baum Tom
- Hospitality and Society Vol 13, pp. 173 - 200 (2023)
- Food-delivery workers in the sharing economy : supply-side human resource transformation
- Lin Pearl M C, Peng Kang-Lin, Au Wai Ching, Baum Tom
- International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration Vol 24, pp. 491-516 (2023)
- 'He is the customer, I will say yes' : notions of power, precarity and consent to sexual harassment by customers in the gay tourism industry
- Hadjisolomou Anastasios, Nickson Dennis, Baum Tom
- Gender, Work and Organisation Vol 30, pp. 1407-1428 (2023)
- Identifying and ranking employer brand improvement strategies in post-COVID 19 tourism and hospitality
- Bagheri Moslem, Baum Tom, Mobasheri Ali Asghar, Nikbakht Amin
- Tourism and Hospitality Research Vol 23, pp. 391-405 (2023)
- Seasonal employment in tourism
- Baum Tom, Duncan Tara, Forsyth Deborah
- Tourism A Temporal Analysis (2023) (2023)
- International HRM
- Labour mobility and migration
- Workforce diversity
Research Interests
My research focuses on a range of workforce themes and issues in the context of low skills employment. My work places such work in its wider socio-cultural, economic and political contexts. I currently collaborate with colleagues in Australia, China, Hong Kong and New Zealand on projects relating to the first job experiences of teenagers; the future of tourism/ hospitality skills and work; the influence of culture on aspects of management theory; migrant labour in low skills work; gendered work in tourism; and volunteer work in tourism and events.
Professional Activities
- The feasibility of teaching and assessing a vocational programme for the UK hospitality sector using blended learning in Further Education
- Examiner
- 11/12/2023
- Work, wages and employment in the UK hospitality sector
- Recipient
- 15/11/2023
- Universitas Bunda Mulia
- Visiting researcher
- 5/10/2023
- Rethinking Sustainable HRM: Towards a Common-Good Approach.
- Examiner
- 19/9/2023
- Examiner
- 25/6/2023
- Building Employer Brands: The Employee Perspective
- Examiner
- 16/6/2023
- Confronting customer abuse and harassment during the Covid-19 crisis? Evidence from Scotland’s hospitality industry
- Hadjisolomou, Tasos (Principal Investigator) Baum, Thomas (Co-investigator) Booyens, Irma (Co-investigator) Nickson, Dennis (Co-investigator)
- 01-Nov-2021 - 31-Oct-2022
- Cities as mobility hubs: tackling social exclusion through ‘smart’ citizen engagement SMARTDEST
- Baum, Thomas (Principal Investigator) Briken, Kendra (Co-investigator) Sambajee, Pratima (Co-investigator)
- Cities as mobility hubs: tackling social exclusion through ‘smart’ citizen engagement(SMARTDEST) H2020-SC6-TRANSFORMATIONS-2018
- 01-Jan-2020 - 31-Dec-2022
- Informal tourism entrepreneurs in Kenya
- Sambajee, Pratima (Academic) Baum, Thomas (Academic) Kiptoo, Maryline (Principal Investigator)
- 02-Sep-2019 - 30-Jun-2023
- GCRF One Ocean Hub
- Morgera, Elisa (Principal Investigator) Baum, Thomas (Co-investigator) Cathcart, Alison (Co-investigator) Clark, Bryan (Co-investigator) Da Lomba, Sylvie (Co-investigator) Heath, Mike (Co-investigator) Revie, Matthew (Co-investigator) Sindico, Francesco (Co-investigator) Switzer, Stephanie (Co-investigator) Vermeylen, Saskia (Co-investigator) Webster, Elaine (Co-investigator) Laverick, Jack (Researcher)
- 13-Feb-2019 - 30-Sep-2024
- Catering for Scotland's future skills needs: Attracting, training and retaining young chefs
- Anderson, Pauline (Principal Investigator) Baum, Thomas (Co-investigator) Bourkel, Tom (Co-investigator)
- Research Project Commissioned by SDS (CWBL)
Skills Development Scotland Co Ltd: £14,170.00 - 03-Jan-2019 - 30-Apr-2019
- Inclusive tourism in the city: how urban tourism can benefit marginalised and vulnerable communities
- Baum, Thomas (Principal Investigator) Tomazos, Konstantinos (Co-investigator) Rogerson, Robert (Co-investigator) Vermeylen, Saskia (Co-investigator) Dimitrijevic, Branka (Co-investigator) Horgan, Donagh (Co-investigator)
- Multi-disciplinary research-informing workshop, funded through the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) in collaboration with the University of the Philippines Diliman to engage with tourism from a social and economic inclusion perspective in the context of the contemporary city. Involved engagement with this theme from multiple perspectives including gender, economic, employment, human rights, urban planning, architecture, law and anthropology.
- 01-Mar-2018 - 31-Jul-2018
Work, Employment and Organisation
Tel: 548 3954