Dr Marie Boyd


Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences


Personal statement

Dr Marie Boyd joined SIPBS from the CRUK Beatson Laboratories in July 2009 as a SULSA Reader in Translational Biology. Dr Boyd was awarded a CRUK Senior Cancer Research Fellowship in 2005 to investigate targeted radionuclide therapy for cancer. Targeted radionuclide therapy utilised radiation like a drug, that is molecules which are accrued specifically in tumours have a radioactive molecule attached, and once the radiopharmaceutical is injected into the body and it gets concentrated only in tumour cells. This results in irradiation specifically to tumour cells sparing normal tissues and thus reduction of toxic side effects. Our research group focuses on expansion of this form of radiotherapy to more tumour types by investigation and development of novel radiopharmaceuticals and targets as well as by adopting gene therapy techniques.

The group also investigates the basic biology of cellular response to radiotherapy and have a large area of research into combining radiotherapy with novel and existing drugs and interrogation of cell signaling and mechanisms using traditional and “Omics” based approaches. The Boyd group have already translated some therapeutic schemes into clinical trial and other promising schemes based upon repurposing of existing drugs, are underway with Industrial partners including AstraZeneca.

 Since the transfer to Strathclyde, the group has established several cross-disciplinary links within the TIC themes in areas of advanced Sciences and Technologies, Bionanotechnology, and Health Technologies at Strathclyde. These collaborations are formed around the need to establish multidisciplinary approaches to the development of cancer therapy. Our work fosters the marriage of cancer biology and radiobiology with platform technologies such as Laser Plasma Wakefield Accelerators, microfluidics, biogels and the combinations of novel and existing drugs and nanomaterials in the SU pipeline with chemo- and radiotherapy produced by a variety of radiation sources. The group will also be integral to the new TIC building hosting the SCAPA (Scottish centre for applied particle accelerators) facility. This research environment is a resource which is unique to Strathclyde University.

The Group is highly active within the recently established RICAS (Research In Cancer at Strathclyde) initiative, has been highly successful in achieving multi-disciplinary, Industry and clinical linked funding. The breadth of research has also recently expanded by involvement in the SIPBS led multi-university programme in pharmacoepidemiology. With our partners we are interrogating prescribing databases to interrogate questions which may lead to the development of better and more personalised cancer therapeutics. The group is also involved with several drug discovery programmes within and outwith the university and has developed phenotypic assay cascades to aid these programmes.

Dr Boyd's group is highly active in the research, industrial and clinical arena and the lab hosts senior fellows, Post docs, PhD students, research assistants, undergraduate and students from within SIPBS and from other University Departments (Physics, chemistry, EEE). The Boyd group will also host vertically Integrated Studentships (VIPs) within the lab, which are being run in collaboration with Chemistry and EEE and we are becoming partners in the Laser Plasma Accelerator Doctoral training centre spearheaded by the university.





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Live chicken egg embryos as an alternative in vivo tumour model for deep surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy
McCabe Samantha M, Gardiner Hannah, Mullen Calum, Wallace Gregory Q, Shand Neil C, Mullen Alexander B, Horan Linda, Graham Duncan, Faulds Karen, Boyd Marie
Analyst Vol 149, pp. 3513-3517 (2024)
Evaluating nanoparticle localisation in glioblastoma multicellular tumour spheroids by surface enhanced Raman scattering
McCabe Samantha M, Wallace Gregory Q, Sloan-Dennison Sian, Tipping William J, Shand Neil C, Graham Duncan, Boyd Marie, Faulds Karen
Analyst Vol 148, pp. 3247-3256 (2023)
Understanding radiation response and cell cycle variation in brain tumour cells using Raman spectroscopy
Hill Iona E, Boyd Marie, Milligan Kirsty, Jenkins Cerys A, Sorensen Annette, Jirasek Andrew, Graham Duncan, Faulds Karen
Analyst Vol 148, pp. 2594-2608 (2023)
Comparing trastuzumab-related cardiotoxicity between elderly and younger patients with breast cancer : a prospective cohort study
Aladwani A, Mullen A, Alrashidi M, Alfarisi O, Alterkait F, Aladwani A, Kumar A, Boyd M, Eldosouky ME
European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences Vol 25, pp. 7643-7653 (2021)
Determining the prognostic significance of IKKα in prostate cancer
Montes Melania, MacKenzie Lewis, McAllister Milly J, Roseweir Antonia, McCall Pamela, Hatziieremia Sophia, Underwood Mark A, Boyd Marie, Paul Andrew, Plevin Robin, MacKay Simon P, Edwards Joanne
The Prostate Vol 80, pp. 1188-1202 (2020)
Plasma metabolomics identifies lipid and amino acid markers of weight loss in patients with upper gastrointestinal cancer
Miller Janice, Alshehri Ahmed, Ramage Michael I, Stevens Nathan A, Mullen Alexander B, Boyd Marie, Ross James A, Wigmore Stephen J, Watson David G, Skipworth Richard JE
Cancers Vol 11 (2019)

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Professional Activities

Aberdeen Cancer Network (External organisation)
Gliomodel (External organisation)
Management Science (Organisational unit)
Duquesne University
Visiting researcher
Dusquene University
Visiting researcher
Austrian Drug Screening Institute
Visiting researcher

More professional activities


Developing Aberdeen's Cancer Research Network
Spiers, Valerie (Principal Investigator) Kiltie, Anne (Principal Investigator) Gomez-Roman, Natividad (Co-investigator) Boyd, Marie (Co-investigator) Tomlinson, Ian P M (Principal Investigator) Gourley, Charlie (Co-investigator) Machesky, Laura (Co-investigator) Chalmers, Anthony (Principal Investigator) Broche, Lionel (Co-investigator) Stansfield, Ian (Co-investigator)
The aim of this proposal is to encourage new collaborative research and innovation in these fields, through working with colleagues in the CRUK Scotland Centre based in Edinburgh and Glasgow, broadening the range of cancer research being conducted in Scotland.
01-Jan-2022 - 30-Jan-2023
Moving North, expanding the use of the chick embryo model in cancer research to a multiuser facility at the University of Strathclyde
Boyd, Marie (Principal Investigator) Mullen, Alexander (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2021 - 31-Jan-2023
Preventing the damaging effects of cancer chemotherapy and radiation treatment on human endothelial cells targeting the JNK pathway
Plevin, Robin (Principal Investigator) Boyd, Marie (Co-investigator) McIntosh, Kathryn (Co-investigator)
Preventing the damaging effects of cancer chemotherapy and radiation treatment on human endothelial cells targeting the JNK pathway
01-Jan-2019 - 31-Jan-2023
Advancing first-in-class IKKalpha inhibitors to commercialisation and clinical application
Boyd, Marie (Principal Investigator)
01-Jan-2017 - 31-Jan-2020
Laser-driven radiation beamlines at SCAPA (EPSRC Capital Equipment Portfolio)
McKenna, Paul (Principal Investigator) Boyd, Marie (Co-investigator) Gray, Ross (Co-investigator) Hidding, Bernhard (Co-investigator) Jaroszynski, Dino (Co-investigator) McArthur, Stephen (Co-investigator) Sheng, Zheng-Ming (Co-investigator)
We propose to create new capability and capacity for collaborative high power laser-plasma research to underpin the development and application of laser-driven radiation sources, using three new beamlines and experiment stations at the Scottish Centre for the Application of Plasma-based Accelerators, SCAPA. Each of the beamlines will be configured in a unique way and with a focus on a specific category of laser-plasma interactions and secondary sources, to create a complementary suite of dedicated beamlines. This approach is required to enable the development and optimisation of laser-plasma sources from the realms of scientific investigation to real-world applications. It enables long-term investment in the optimisation and stabilisation of the beams and largely eliminates downtime for rebuilding experiments, thus enabling efficient and effective use of high power laser beam time.

The equipment will support an extensive research portfolio in laser-plasma physics and multidisciplinary applications, with an emphasis on radiation sources and healthcare applications. The unique properties of laser-driven radiation sources make them attractive both as tools for science (e.g. femtosecond X-ray sources for probing the structure of matter) and for applications in a variety of sectors including: healthcare (e.g. imaging and radiotherapy); industry (e.g. penetrative probing and assay) and energy (e.g. testing the integrity of stored nuclear waste). The strategic development of this field requires a balanced programme of dedicated university-scale and leading-edge national laser facilities. The proposed beamlines will complement existing and planned expansion of national facilities at the Central Laser Facility, providing new capability and capacity to enable UK research groups to remain at the forefront of this research area and help promote international collaboration.

The research will be performed collaboratively with groups from across the UK and sustained mainly through collaborative research grants. The new suite of beamlines will promote exchanges between academia and industry, and enable engagement of the UK research community with large international projects, such as the Extreme Light Infrastructure, ELI. It will also provide a unique interdisciplinary training platform for researchers.
01-Jan-2017 - 28-Jan-2021
Lab in a bubble
Jaroszynski, Dino (Principal Investigator) Boyd, Marie (Co-investigator) Brunetti, Enrico (Co-investigator) Ersfeld, Bernhard (Co-investigator) Hidding, Bernhard (Co-investigator) McKenna, Paul (Co-investigator) Noble, Adam (Co-investigator) Sheng, Zheng-Ming (Co-investigator) Vieux, Gregory (Co-investigator) Welsh, Gregor H. (Co-investigator) Wiggins, Mark (Co-investigator)
"The lab in a bubble project is a timely investigation of the interaction of charged particles with radiation inside and in the vicinity of relativistic plasma bubbles created by intense ultra-short laser pulses propagating in plasma. It builds on recent studies carried out by the ALPHA-X team of coherent X-ray radiation from the laser-plasma wakefield accelerator and high field effects where radiation reaction becomes important. The experimental programme will be carried out using high power lasers and investigate new areas of physics where single-particle and collective radiation reaction and quantum effects become important, and where non-linear coupling and instabilities between beams, laser, plasma and induced fields develop, which result in radiation and particle beams with unique properties. Laser-plasma interactions are central to all problems studied and understanding their complex and often highly non-linear interactions gives a way of controlling the bubble and beams therein. To investigate the rich range of physical processes, advanced theoretical and experimental methods will be applied and advantage will be taken of know-how and techniques developed by the teams. New analytical and numerical methods will be developed to enable planning and interpreting results from experiments. Advanced experimental methods and diagnostics will be developed to probe the bubble and characterise the beams and radiation. An important objective will be to apply the radiation and beams in selected proof-of-concept applications to the benefit of society.
The project is involves a large group of Collaborators and Partners, who will contribute to both theoretical and experimental work. The diverse programme is managed through a synergistic approach where there is strong linkage between work-packages, and both theoretical and experiential methodologies are applied bilaterally: experiments are informed by theory at planning and data interpretation stages, and theory is steered by the outcome of experimental studies, which results in a virtuous circle that advances understanding of the physics inside and outside the lab in a bubble. We also expect to make major advances in high field physics and the development of a new generation of compact coherent X-ray sources."
01-Jan-2016 - 31-Jan-2021

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Dr Marie Boyd
Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences

Email: marie.boyd@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 2263