Professor Jim Boyle
Emeritus Professor
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Area of Expertise
I have directed large-scale externally-funded RCTs and have expertise in the analysis of cohort data, systematic review and meta-analysis and the evaluation of educational programmes. I have also co-authored and standardised published language tests and am a former member of the British Psychological Society's Committee for Test Standards.
Prize And Awards
- 2023: Wiley Top-Cited Article 2021-2022, A systematic review of interleaving as a concept learning strategy, Review of Education
- Recipient
- 21/2/2023
- 2016: Award for Highly-Cited Research, Mental Health and Physical Activity
- Recipient
- 2016
- Honorary Professor, Moray House School of Education, University of Edinburgh
- Recipient
- 2013
- University of Strathclyde Teaching Excellence Award
- Recipient
- 2012
- Prize for Best Research Paper of 2011, International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders
- Recipient
- 2011
- Election as International Affiliate of the Institute of School Psychology 2009- present
- Recipient
- 7/2009
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- Keynote Address ‘Change’ in Educational Psychology: Evidencing Outcomes and Impact
- Boyle Jim
- National Educational Psychology Service Annual Conference, Galway, Ireland (2024)
- Evaluation of a pilot physical activity intervention for children with ADHD symptoms and reading difficulties
- Booth Josephine N, Mitchell Ian A, Tomporowski Philip D, McCullick Bryan A, Boyle James M E, Reilly John J
- Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs Vol 24, pp. 254-268 (2023)
- https://doi.org/10.1111/1471-3802.12628
- Is there a felt need from head teachers to support their wellbeing through the offer of professional reflective supervision? If so, what model would suit them best?
- Cairns Bernadette, Daly Clare, Boyle James
- Educational and Child Psychology Vol 40 (2023)
- 'Why is this child in special education?' : a cultural-historical activity theory (CHAT)-based intervention with senior UK education leaders on assessment for, and allocation of, specialist educational resources
- Colville Tracey, Boyle James ME, Obonsawin Marc C
- Educational and Child Psychology Vol 40, pp. 23-53 (2023)
- https://doi.org/10.53841/bpsecp.2023.40.2.23
- Educational psychology : problems and interventions
- Banerjee Robin, Tolmie Andy, Boyle Jim
- Applied Psychology (2023) (2023)
- Educational psychology : history and overview
- Banerjee Robin, Tolmie Andy, Boyle Jim
- Applied Psychology (2023) (2023)
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My teaching interests include research methods, developmental psychology and the practice of educational psychology.
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Research Interests
My research interests include language impairment (both identification and intervention), the effects of computer games and exercise upon executive functions, bully-victim problems in schools and in the work-place, psychometrics, and the practice of educational psychology.
Professional Activities
- Educational and Child Psychology (Journal)
- Guest editor
- 1/9/2016
- Invited Talk: A Career in Educational Psychology
- Contributor
- 4/2/2016
- Educational and Child Psychology (Journal)
- Guest editor
- 2016
- Invited Talk: A Career in Educational Psychology.
- Contributor
- 8/10/2015
- ‘Proving it...’: Demonstrating Outcomes and Impact in Educational Psychology.
- Contributor
- 12/8/2015
- Department for Education and Skills (External organisation)
- Member
- 3/6/2015
- Improving sleep of adolescents- The Strathclyde Sleep for ScHools (SSSH) project
- Crawford, Megan (Principal Investigator) Boyle, Jim (Co-investigator) Fleming, Leanne (Co-investigator)
- 17-Jan-2019 - 31-Jan-2021
- Modelling the Psychological Factors in Autism Spectrum Diorders (studentship)
- Boyle, Jim (Principal Investigator)
- Modelling the Psychological Factors Underpinning the Service Use of Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) in Scotland
- 01-Jan-2014 - 30-Jan-2017
- Microsegmentation of the autism spectrum
- Boyle, Jim (Principal Investigator)
- 12-Jan-2013 - 31-Jan-2014
- Paradigm Shift In Use Of Physical Activity In Treatment And Prevention
- Reilly, John (Principal Investigator) Boyle, Jim (Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2011 - 30-Jan-2012
- Roberts Funding / Skills Training / RA4496
- Boyle, Jim (Principal Investigator)
- 01-Jan-2004 - 31-Jan-2013