Dr Kendra Briken

Senior Lecturer

Work, Employment and Organisation


Personal statement

As a trained sociologist, my research focusses on work, emplyment, and technology. I am specifically interested in developments around digitalisation of work, the decision making processes around the invention and implementation  of new technologies, and workforce outcomes. I am interested in the cross-sectional emerging varieties of automation, the related power structures, and how they are impacting on work and life. The integrity of teaching and research is crucial to my pedagogical approaches.

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Area of Expertise


  • New Technologies and the Workplace
  • Work and Gender
  • Labour Process Analysis & Critical Theory
  • Research Methods
  • Trade Unions 
  • Organisation theory


Prize And Awards

Awarded Guest Lectureship

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My teaching covers the broad range of sociology of work. 

 My core areas are:

  • Sociology of Work
  • Social Theory
  • HRM and Public Sector
  • (International) Employee Relations
  • Surveillance Studies
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Research Interests

My reserach interests are in the broad area of changing work and employment structures, with a focus on new technologies and re-roganisation. I did research the impact of the implementation of New Public Management on public servants in different nations and sectors (police, waste collection, energy). More recently, I started to investigate in the effects robotics-led workplaces have on job quality. I am also interested in reseraching trade unions, particularly in terms of their representational and oragnisational capacities. My research relies on inter-disciplinary as well as international collaborations.

Professional Activities

Mechanical And Aerospace Engineering (Organisational unit)
New Technology, Work and Employment (Journal)
Simple Devices for Complex Work? The Introduction of Everyday Technologies and their Impact on Employment Relations in Social Care Settings in the U.K.
Gender, Work and Organisation
The impact of the AI revolution on our businesses and teams
Gendered organisations and its impact on women's leadership trajectories

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Research Excellence Award: Sorry we missed you: The unheard voices of parcel delivery workers £101,388
Johnstone, Stewart (Principal Investigator) Briken, Kendra (Principal Investigator)
Freedom of association and worker representation are key tenets of international labour standards, the International Labour Organisation Decent Work Agenda, and UN Sustainable Development Goal 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth. Though precise definitions of ‘decent work’ vary, employee voice has long been recognised as a central dimension of fair work and good jobs (Wilkinson and Fay, 2011), while limited voice opportunities can have a detrimental impact on employee health and wellbeing (Johnstone and Ackers, 2015).

Yet while the value of employee voice is well-established, most research assumes a ‘standard’ employment relationship, where a job is continuous, full time and with a direct relationship between employer and employee (ILO, 2023). Less attention has been paid to employee voice in the ‘gig economy’, now estimated to employ up to 5 million people in the UK (Shenker, 2019). Though several studies have explored collective action and self-organisation in ride hailing and food delivery (e.g. Uber,Deliveroo), little is known about voice in a broader sense i.e. “the potential to influence organisational affairs through a variety of means including formal/informal and individual/collective opportunities” (Wilkinson et.al, 2022). This is important as gig workers typically have fewer employment rights and limited face to face interaction with managers/co-workers, and are often subject to intense technological surveillance and performance management.

The study will explore the working lives of parcel delivery workers - who frequently attract attention in the media because of exploitative working conditions (Guardian 2017, 2018, 2021) - but who whose voices remain unheard in the literature.
01-Jan-2024 - 01-Jan-2027
Effective Voice in Scottish Social Care Workplaces – A Mixed Methods Study
Scholarios, Dora (Principal Investigator) Briken, Kendra (Co-investigator) Cunningham, Ian (Co-investigator) Johnstone, Stewart (Co-investigator) McCarthy, Tony (Research Co-investigator) Nikolova, Marina (Researcher)
19-Jan-2024 - 18-Jan-2025
Fair Work in Scottish HEI's
Remnant, Jennifer (Principal Investigator) Briken, Kendra (Co-investigator)
18-Jan-2023 - 01-Jan-2023
Amplifying Employee Voice and Hearing the Unheard: A Multidisciplinary Study of Contemporary Working Lives in Deindustrialised Communities
Johnstone, Stewart (Principal Investigator) Briken, Kendra (Co-investigator) Cunningham, Ian (Co-investigator) Hadjisolomou, Tasos (Co-investigator) McCarthy, Tony (Co-investigator) McIntyre, Stuart (Co-investigator) Scholarios, Dora (Co-investigator) Taylor, Philip (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2022 - 30-Jan-2025
Research Excellence Award: Hearing the unheard: amplifying the voices of frontline essential workers £99,008
Johnstone, Stewart (Principal Investigator) Briken, Kendra (Principal Investigator)
Employee voice – defined as the ability to have a say at work and influence over workplace affairs – is a central dimension of a good job and fair work (Fairwork Convention, 2021, Norris-Green and Gifford, 2021; Taylor, 2017; Wilkinson et.al, 2021). For much of the twentieth century in Britain employee voice was synonymous with trade unions and collective bargaining. However, union representation is now unavailable in 90% private sector workplaces, and limited voice has a disproportionate impact on workers most vulnerable to exploitation. It also has the the potential to exacerbate intersectional inequalities among those already identified as having a constrained voice at work including women, the disabled, younger workers and ethnic minorities (Hodder and Lefteris, 2015; Wacjman 2002; William et.al, 2009). The pandemic highlighted societies dependency on frontline 'essential workers' defined by the Scottish Government as 'people who keep the country running'. However, many essential workers, including those in retail, logistics and the platformed mediated gig economy, are in low paid and insecure employment. These 'minimum wage heroes' (BBC, 2020) are also among the most likely to be treated unfairly but least likely to have access to traditional collective union voice mechanisms. This does not, however, mean such workers have no voice. Many employers have devised their own organisational voice channels, though concerns have been raised about the extent to which these can challenge management authority or promote employee interests. Workers also have alternative means of expressing themselves, including informal dialogue with peers and managers, social media, as well as support from other interest and advocacy groups. However, little is known about whether such channels are sufficient in empowering vulnerable frontline workers, promoting good jobs or promulgating fair work. Assessing this issue is the aim of the project.
01-Jan-2022 - 01-Jan-2025
AI and Ethics in Manufacturing
Briken, Kendra (Principal Investigator) Rose, Emily (Co-investigator) Moore, Jed Hanson (Co-investigator)
Preparation of online training module for the National Manufacturing Institute Scotland, Manufacturing Skills Academy
01-Jan-2022 - 23-Jan-2022

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Dr Kendra Briken
Senior Lecturer
Work, Employment and Organisation

Email: kendra.briken@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 4074