Professor Patricia Connolly

Deputy Associate Principal

Biomedical Engineering


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Digital twin assisted surgery, concept, opportunities, and challenges
Asciak Lisa, Kyeremeh Justicia, Luo Xichun, Kazakidi Asimina, Connolly Patricia, Picard Frederic, O'Neill Kevin, Tsaftaris Sotirios A, Stewart Grant D, Shu Wenmiao
npj Digital Medicine Vol 8 (2025)
Considering user experience and behavioral approaches in the design of mHealth interventions for atrial fibrillation : systematic review
Suresh Kumar Sagar, Connolly Patricia, Maier Anja
Journal of Medical Internet Research Vol 26 (2024)
The biologically active biopolymer silk : the antibacterial effects of solubilised Bombyx mori silk fibroin with common wound pathogens
Egan Gemma, Hannah Aiden J, Donnelly Sean, Connolly Patricia, Seib F Philipp
Advanced Biology Vol 8 (2024)
Comparison of hydrogel polymerisation and conditioning for wearable sweat chloride sensing application
Donnelly Sean, MacGregor Gordon, Connolly Patricia
Current Topics in Electrochemistry Vol 25, pp. 17-27 (2024)
Impact of silk hydrogel secondary structure on hydrogel formation, silk leaching and in vitro response
Egan Gemma, Phuagkhaopong Suttinee, Matthew Saphia A L, Connolly Patricia, Seib F Philipp
Scientific Reports Vol 12 (2022)
Rapidly detected common wound pathogens via easy-to-use electrochemical sensors
Hannah Aiden J, Ward Andrew C, Connolly Patricia
Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Biosciences Vol 8, pp. 11-20 (2021)

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Professional Activities

Health and Care Futures: thematic areas workshop

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Cultures of Collaborative Research in a Socially Progressive Technological University / R230557-207
McDonald, James (Principal Investigator) Bedford, Tim (Co-investigator) Compton-Daw, Emma (Co-investigator) Connolly, Patricia (Co-investigator) Grealy, Madeleine (Co-investigator) Mahn, Churnjeet (Co-investigator) McKenna, Paul (Co-investigator)
16-Jan-2024 - 15-Jan-2025
Cultures of Collaborative Research in a Socially Progressive Technological University
McDonald, James (Principal Investigator) Bedford, Tim (Co-investigator) Compton-Daw, Emma (Co-investigator) Connolly, Patricia (Co-investigator) Grealy, Madeleine (Co-investigator) Mahn, Churnjeet (Co-investigator) McKenna, Paul (Co-investigator)
16-Jan-2024 - 15-Jan-2025
Engineered silks for surgical wounds
Lalatsa, Aikaterini (Principal Investigator) Connolly, Patricia (Co-investigator)
02-Jan-2023 - 30-Jan-2027
Real-time Digital Twin Assisted Surgery (DTAS)
Shu, Will (Principal Investigator) Kazakidi, Asimina (Co-investigator) Luo, Xichun (Co-investigator) Connolly, Patricia (Co-investigator) Stewart, Grant D (Co-investigator) Tsaftaris, Sotiris (Co-investigator) O'Neil, Kevin (Co-investigator)
EPSRC Transformative Healthcare Technology (THT) Phase 2 grant (EP/X033686/1)
Award: ~£4M, fEC: ~£4.9M (1 of only 5 funded projects in the UK)
01-Jan-2023 - 31-Jan-2027
Real-time Digital Twin Assisted Surgery
Shu, Will (Principal Investigator) Connolly, Patricia (Co-investigator) Kazakidi, Asimina (Co-investigator) Luo, Xichun (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2023 - 31-Jan-2027
22/145 Systems Engineering Innovation hubs for Multiple longterm Conditions - Development phase
Maier, Anja (Principal Investigator) Connolly, Patricia (Co-investigator) Gray, Louise (Co-investigator) Inns, Tom (Co-investigator) Kurdi, Amanj (Co-investigator) Maguire, Roma (Co-investigator) Mehnen, Jorn (Co-investigator) Michie, Craig (Co-investigator) Mueller, Tanja (Co-investigator) Picanco Rodrigues, Vinicius (Co-investigator) Tachtatzis, Christos (Co-investigator) Whitfield, Ian (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2023 - 31-Jan-2025

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Professor Patricia Connolly
Deputy Associate Principal
Biomedical Engineering

Tel: 548 3034