Professor Bernard Conway

Emeritus Professor

Biomedical Engineering


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Brain wave behavior in children with down syndrome following cortical neuromodulation combined with sensorimotor stimulation : observational study
Lopes Jamile, Miziara Isabela, Kahani Danial, Parreira Rodolfo, Fonseca Daniela, Lazzari Roberta, Cordeiro Lorraine, Naves Eduardo, Cimolin Veronica, Galli Manuela, Conway Bernard, Oliveira Claudia
Physiotherapy Theory and Practice Vol 40, pp. 941-951 (2024)
Intramuscular coherence enables robust assessment of modulated supra-spinal input in human gait : an inter-dependence study of visual task and walking speed
Zipser-Mohammadzada Freschta, Scheffers Marjelle Fredie, Conway Bernard A, Halliday David M, Zipser Carl Moritz, Curt Armin, Schubert Martin
Experimental Brain Research Vol 241, pp. 1675-1689 (2023)
Intramuscular coherence during challenging walking in incomplete spinal cord injury : reduced high-frequency coherence reflects impaired supra-spinal control
Zipser-Mohammadzada Freschta, Conway Bernard A, Halliday David M, Zipser Carl Moritz, Easthope Chris A, Curt Armin, Schubert Martin
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience Vol 16 (2022)
Mind your step : target walking task reveals gait disturbance in individuals with incomplete spinal cord injury
Mohammadzada Freschta, Zipser Carl Moritz, Easthope Chris A, Halliday David M, Conway Bernard A, Curt Armin, Schubert Martin
Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation Vol 19, pp. 36 (2022)
Electroencephalographic analysis of brain activity after interventions with transcranial direct current stimulation over the motor cortex : a systematic review
Lopes Jamile Benite Palma, Marques Miziara Isabela, Kahani Danial, Barbosa Cordeiro Lorraine, Fonseca Junior Paulo Roberto, Lazzari Delasta, Conway Bernard A, Oliveira Claudia Santos
Adaptive Behavior Vol 30, pp. 63-79 (2022)
Brain activity and upper limb movement analysis in children with Down syndrome undergoing transcranial direct current stimulation combined with virtual reality training : study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Lopes Jamile Benite Palma, Miziara Isabela Marques, Kahani Danial, Parreira Rodolfo Borges, de Almeida Carvalho Duarte Natalia, Lazzari Roberta Delasta, Santos Lucas Villalta, de Mello Monteiro Carlos Bandeira, da Silva Cardoso Deborah Carvalho, de Oliveira Hassel Mendes Juliana, dos Santos Alves Vera Lucia, Silva Iransé Oliveira, Oliveira Luis Vicente, Conway Bernard Arthur, Galli Manuela, Cimolin Veronica, Oliveira Claudia Santos
Trials Vol 23, pp. 87 (2022)

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Research Interests

My main research interests are focused on fundamental and applied studies in motor control in normal subjects and people with disabilities arising from trauma or disease affecting the central nervous system. I work closely with the Queen Elizabeth National Spinal Injuries Unit and currently we are participating in research to monitor (using electrophysiological measures) the changes in CNS function that occur in spinal cord injured patients in response to intensive locomotor re-training programmes.    In addition, research is ongoing to develop robust brain computer interfaces that can be used by severely disabled people to control assistive devices for mobility. This work is at a stage where we expect to translate promising laboratory studies on normal subjects to a patient population.

Professional Activities

Wellcome Trust (External organisation)
EPSRC Healthcare Technologies International/Global Challenges Research Fund Workshop
Dunhill Medical Trust (External organisation)
Wellcome Trust (External organisation)
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (External organisation)
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (External organisation)

More professional activities


EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Prosthetics & Orthotics
Buis, Arjan (Principal Investigator) Conway, Bernard A (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2019 - 30-Jan-2027
Centre for Excellence in Rehabilitation Research | Zapotoczny, Lukasz
Conway, Bernard A (Principal Investigator) Di Caterina, Gaetano (Co-investigator) Zapotoczny, Lukasz (Research Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2017 - 17-Jan-2022
Special Emphasis Network in the UK
Conway, Bernard A (Principal Investigator)
Special Emphasis Network in the UK
01-Jan-2017 - 15-Jan-2018
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Medical Devices and Health Technologies | Failes, Jonathan
Lakany, Heba (Principal Investigator) Conway, Bernard A (Co-investigator) Failes, Jonathan (Research Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2016 - 26-Jan-2019
Centre for Excellence in Rehabilitation Research (Year 4)
Conway, Bernard A (Principal Investigator) MacGregor, Scott (Co-investigator) Rowe, Philip (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2014 - 31-Jan-2018
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Medical Devices and Health Technologies
Connolly, Patricia (Principal Investigator) Black, Richard Anthony (Co-investigator) Conway, Bernard A (Co-investigator) Graham, Duncan (Co-investigator) Hunter, Iain (Co-investigator) Mathieson, Keith (Co-investigator) Ulijn, Rein (Co-investigator) Winn, Philip (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2014 - 30-Jan-2022

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Professor Bernard Conway
Emeritus Professor
Biomedical Engineering

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