Miss Tunde Csoban

Teaching Associate

Mathematics and Statistics


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Consecutive prediction of adverse maternal outcomes of preeclampsia, using the PIERS-ML and fullPIERS models : a multicountry prospective observational study
Yang Guiyou, Montgomery-Csobán Tünde, Ganzevoort Wessel, Gordijn Sanne J, Kavanagh Kimberley, Murray Paul, Magee Laura A, Groen Henk, von Dadelszen Peter, Smith Gordon C
PLOS Medicine Vol 22 (2025)
Machine learning-enabled maternal risk assessment for women with pre-eclampsia (the PIERS-ML model) : a modelling study
Csoban Tunde, Kavanagh Kimberley, Murray Paul, Robertson Chris, Barry Sarah JE, Ukah U Vivian, Payne Beth A, Nicolaides Kypros H, Syngelaki Argyro, Ionescu Olivia, Akolekar Ranjit, Hutcheon Jennifer A, Magee Laura A, von Dadelszen Peter
The Lancet Digital Health Vol 6, pp. E238-E250 (2024)

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Mathematics & Statistics Teaching Away Day

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Exploring education outcomes and their association with deprivation and other equality characteristics
Kelly, Louise (Principal Investigator) Csoban, Tunde (Co-investigator) Stewart, Ryan (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2024 - 31-Jan-2025
Cancer Medicines Outcomes Programme Interim 23-24
Bennie, Marion (Principal Investigator) Kurdi, Amanj (Co-investigator) Kavanagh, Kimberley (Co-investigator) Mueller, Tanja (Co-investigator) Dunlop, Emma (Principal Investigator) Fontes, Pedro (Researcher) Csoban, Tunde (Researcher)
Continuation of funding for the CMOP programme for 23-24
01-Jan-2023 - 31-Jan-2024

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Miss Tunde Csoban
Teaching Associate
Mathematics and Statistics

Email: tunde.csoban@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 2975