Mrs Sarah Day

Senior Teaching Fellow

Biomedical Engineering


Personal statement

Mrs Day is a Teaching Fellow within the National Centre for Prosthetics and Orthotics. She teaches biomechanics and clinical skills to undergraduate and postgraduate students to prepare them for work within the Prosthetic and Orthotic industry, and supervises postgraduate engineering students in their research degrees. Her main teaching and research interests are in upper limb prosthetics, focusing on the ways that technology can be integrated with the user to improve quality of life. She is currently researching the link between amputation incidence and prosthetic referral/usage rates, and has a keen interest in fabrication methods and material technology. Sarah has authored two book chapters and has numerous publications in peer-reviewed journals. She is a respected educator and an Auditor of Education Pathways for the International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics (ISPO). Having spent many years working overseas Sarah is aware of the worldwide skill shortage in Prosthetics and Orthotics and has developed a program of Short Courses and CPD to meet some of these needs.

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I am responsible for teaching the Upper Limb Biomechanics and Control Concepts, and Upper Limb Prosthetics classes within our BSc(Hons) Prosthetics & Orthotics course, as well as other classes such as Transtibial Prosthetics and Human Biological Sciences. I also teach Research Methodology to postgradute students and supervise a number of undergraduate and postgraduate student projects.

I have an interest in shape capture and CAD, and have been leading the intergration of these into P&O teaching to reflect modern clinical practice.

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Professional Activities

Second CDT in P&O conference. "future of P&O"
|Supervisor meeting
Womanthology - Issue 170, Women in Medicine and Health
BAPO Regional Event Scotland
To be assigned
19th ISPO World congress
Scottish Women in Tokyo. Blog 66: Behind the Scenes

More professional activities


Industrial CASE Account - University of Strathclyde 2017 | Carlyle, Kirsty
Day, Sarah (Principal Investigator) Buis, Arjan (Co-investigator) Carlyle, Kirsty (Research Co-investigator)
01-Oct-2020 - 01-Oct-2024
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Prosthetics & Orthotics | Carlyle, Kirsty
Day, Sarah (Principal Investigator) Buis, Arjan (Co-investigator) Carlyle, Kirsty (Research Co-investigator)
01-Oct-2020 - 01-Oct-2024
Upcycled Plastic Prosthetics (UPP)
Buis, Arjan (Principal Investigator) Day, Sarah (Co-investigator)
13-Mar-2020 - 31-May-2023
LegBank project Google
Buis, Arjan (Principal Investigator) Day, Sarah (Co-investigator)
29-Jan-2016 - 28-Jul-2019
ADAM - Anthromorphic Design through Advanced Manufacturing
Day, Sarah (Principal Investigator) Buis, Arjan (Principal Investigator)
EPSRC awarded £269,486
14-Jan-2016 - 13-Jul-2017
Buis, Arjan (Principal Investigator) Day, Sarah (Co-investigator)
01-Apr-2015 - 31-Mar-2016

More projects

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Mrs Sarah Day
Senior Teaching Fellow
Biomedical Engineering

Tel: 548 4034