Dr Cara Jardine
Senior Lecturer
Social Policy
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Prize And Awards
- Reg Mathews Memorial Prize, Social and Environmental Accountability Journal
- Recipient
- 2013
- JASIST Best Paper Award 2019
- Recipient
- 30/9/2
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- Families, imprisonment and penal power : a radical analysis
- Jardine Cara
- Justice, Power and Resistance Vol 6, pp. 278-294 (2023)
- https://doi.org/10.1332/PTMG9667
- Citizenship on probation : understanding the labour market exclusion of criminalised people in Scotland
- Weaver Beth, Jardine Cara
- Probation Journal Vol 69, pp. 296-317 (2022)
- https://doi.org/10.1177/02645505221105400
- Prison ethnography by correspondence?
- Jardine Cara
- Criminology and Criminal Justice Vol 24, pp. 362-378 (2022)
- https://doi.org/10.1177/17488958221111502
- The information behaviours of disadvantaged young first-time mothers
- Buchanan Steven, Jardine Cara
- Journal of Documentation (2022)
- https://doi.org/10.1108/JD-03-2022-0072
- Social work education during COVID-19 : students' perceptions of the challenges and opportunities of online and blended learning
- Simanovic Tia, Cioarţă Ionuţ, Jardine Cara, Paul Sally
- Intersectionalities: A Global Journal of Social Work Analysis, Research, Polity, and Practice Vol 9, pp. 131-141 (2021)
- Getting it Right for Families Affected by Imprisonment
- Barkas Betsy, Deacon Kirsty, Foster Rebecca, Jardine Cara, Primrose Kirsty, Troy Vic
- (2021)
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Professional Activities
- Citizenship on Probation: Understanding the Labour Market Exclusion of Criminalised People in Scotland.
- Contributor
- 22/9/2022
- Contribution to article in Daily Record
- Recipient
- 17/1/2022
- The Collateral Consequences of Criminal Records
- Chair
- 25/2/2021
- Why we need social workers to avert a prisons crisis: beginning a critical conversation
- Recipient
- 9/4/2020
- Behind the curve: Can justice systems get ahead of COVID 19 and avoid a prisons crisis?
- Recipient
- 26/3/2020
- Families, Imprisonment and Legitimacy: A radical analysis of the impact of imprisonment on families
- Speaker
- 13/11/2019
- Perspectives from the Edges of Exclusion and Punishment
- Jardine, Cara (Principal Investigator) Brangan, Louise (Principal Investigator)
- PEEP is a collaborative network of ECRs working broadly across the theme of punishment. PEEP is two aims: to allow us to enrich and refine our understanding of how punishment occurs across a broad range of places and actors; and, secondly, to challenge the limitations of precarious ECR working conditions by investing in the needs of ECRs.
PEEP was established through an SCCJR Development Grant. - 01-Jan-2019
- Corners of Community: Exploring the role of the ?Outside? in prison life
- Jardine, Cara (Principal Investigator)
- 01-Jan-2019 - 31-Jan-2022
- Constructing Family in the Context of Imprisonment: a study of prisoners and their families in Scotland
- Jardine, Cara (Principal Investigator)
- 01-Jan-2011 - 30-Jan-2015
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Senior Lecturer
Social Policy
Email: cara.jardine@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 444 8752