Professor Agusti Egea Alvarez

Electronic and Electrical Engineering


Personal statement

Dr Agustí Egea-Àlvarez is a Professor at the electronic & electrical engineering department and a member of the PEDEC (Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Conversion) group. Also, he is Network Operational Perfomance Manager in ScottishPower Energy Networks.

He obtained his BSc, MSc and PhD from the Technical University of Catalonia in Barcelona in 2008, 2010 and 2014 respectively.  In 2015 he was a Marie Curie fellow in the China Electric Power Research Institute (CEPRI). In 2016 he joined Siemens Gamesa as converter control engineer working on grid forming controllers and alternative HVDC schemes for offshore wind farms. He is a member of IEEE, IET and has been involved in several CIGRE working groups.

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Enabling power system restoration from offshore wind power plants in the UK
Alves Rui, Yang Ning, Xu Lie, Egea-Àlvarez Agustí
Energies Vol 18 (2025)
Stability assessment and improvement of MTDC system connected with offshore wind farms
Chen Yin, Xu Lie, Egea-Àlvarez Agustí, Hodge Eoin, Sajedi Shahab, McCullough Keith, McKeever Paul, Smailes Michael
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery Vol 39, pp. 3347-3360 (2024)
Improving energy efficiency for suburban railways : a two-stage scheduling optimization in a rail-EV smart hub
Chen Yinyu, Chen Minwu, Lu Wenjie, Egea-Àlvarez Agustí, Xu Lie
eTransportation Vol 22 (2024)
A modal contribution metric for quantifying small-signal variability in power systems with converter-interfaced generation
Benedetti Luke, Papadopoulos Panagiotis N, Egea-Àlvarez Agustí
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, pp. 1-12 (2024)
Review of multiport power converters for distribution network applications
Harrison Sam, Soltoswski Bartosz, Pepiciello Antonio, Henao Andres Camilo, Farag Ahmed Y, Beza Mebtu, Xu Lie, Egea-Àlvarez Agustí, Cheah-Mañé Marc, Gomis-Bellmunt Oriol
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Vol 203 (2024)
Control and power balancing of an off-grid wind turbine with co-located electrolyzer
Timmers Victor, Egea Alvarez Agusti, Gkountaras Aris, Xu Lie
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy Vol 15, pp. 2349-2360 (2024)

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Research Interests

His current research interests are:


-          Grid forming and Virtual Synchronous Machine converter control algorithms.

-          Control of Voltage Source Converters to weak grids and low inertia systems.

-          Alternative HVDC connection schemes for offshore wind farm.

-          Control and operation of DC-DC converters for HVDC systems.

Professional Activities

CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems (Journal)
Peer reviewer
Demystifying grid forming converters: challenges and opportunities of a new converter control technology
Demystifying grid forming converters challenges and opportunities of a new converter control technology
Power Electronics: The silent technology adding flexibility to the network
Energies (Journal)
Peer reviewer
9th IEEE International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA) 2020

More professional activities


Shell-iCase protection project
Hong, Qiteng (Principal Investigator) Booth, Campbell (Co-investigator) Dysko, Adam (Co-investigator) Egea Alvarez, Agusti (Co-investigator) Xu, Lie (Co-investigator)
03-Jan-2024 - 31-Jan-2028
Multi-port DC-DC Converter for Future All-Electric Ships
Ahmed, Khaled (Principal Investigator) Egea Alvarez, Agusti (Co-investigator) Xu, Lie (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2024 - 30-Jan-2025
Egea Alvarez, Agusti (Principal Investigator) Ahmed, Khaled (Co-investigator) Dysko, Adam (Co-investigator) Hong, Qiteng (Co-investigator) Xu, Lie (Co-investigator) Alves, Rui (Research Co-investigator)
Linked to 221702 and 231454
01-Jan-2024 - 30-Jan-2027
Hybrid generation load site control and grid code compliance
Ahmed, Khaled (Principal Investigator) Campos-Gaona, David (Co-investigator) Egea Alvarez, Agusti (Co-investigator) Xu, Lie (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2024 - 31-Jan-2025
Hong, Qiteng (Principal Investigator) Booth, Campbell (Co-investigator) Dysko, Adam (Co-investigator) Egea Alvarez, Agusti (Co-investigator) Papadopoulos, Panagiotis (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2023 - 31-Jan-2024
BLADE - Alpha phase
Egea Alvarez, Agusti (Principal Investigator) Ahmed, Khaled (Co-investigator) Dysko, Adam (Co-investigator) Hong, Qiteng (Co-investigator) Xu, Lie (Co-investigator)
Linked to project RKES 221702
01-Jan-2023 - 31-Jan-2024

More projects

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Professor Agusti Egea Alvarez
Electronic and Electrical Engineering

Tel: 548 2373