Dr Ali Farooq


Computer and Information Sciences


Personal statement

I am passionate about exploring the intricate dynamics between humans and technology. I have formal education in IT and business and have worked in diverse settings, including law enforcement, higher education management, teaching, and research. My research interests lie in understanding how people of different ages interact with technology, what issues they face during the acceptance, adoption and post-adoption phases, and the consequences of technology use on the various aspects of their lives. Understanding users' experience helps design better systems, tools and applications. My work aims to bridge the gap between technical solutions and user experiences, enhancing both security measures and user satisfaction. I believe by fostering interdisciplinary dialogue, we can bring a meaningful change in the field of cybersecurity. 

Beyond academia, I regularly provide consultancy in user experience research. 

If you are interested in doing PhD in the above-mentioned areas, feel free to contact me!

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Representing groups of students as personas : A systematic review of persona creation, application, and trends in the educational domain
Farooq Ali, Alabed Amani, Msefula Pilira, Al Tamime Reham, Salminen Joni, Jung Soon-gyo, Jansen Bernard
Computers and Education Open Vol 8 (2025)
Explanatory and predictive modeling of cybersecurity behaviors using protection motivation theory
Kiran Uzma, Khan Naurin Farooq, Murtaza Hajra, Farooq Ali, Pirkkalainen Henri
Computers and Security Vol 149 (2024)
Exploring social media privacy concerns : a comprehensive survey study across 16 Middle Eastern and North African countries
Farooq Ali, Salminen Joni, Martin Justin D, Aldous Kholoud, Jung Soon-Gyo, Jansen Bernard J
IEEE Access Vol 12, pp. 147087-147105 (2024)
Using ChatGPT in content marketing : enhancing users’ social media engagement in cross-platform content creation through generative AI
Aldous Kholoud, Salminen Joni, Farooq Ali, Jung Soon-Gyo, Jansen Bernard
HT '24: Proceedings of the 35th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media , pp. 376-383 (2024)
Understanding privacy concerns in mobile health applications : a scenario-based online survey
Tamime Reham Al, Farooq Ali, Salminen Joni, Marmion Vincent, Hall Wendy
2023 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom) 2023 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom) IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom) Vol 2023, pp. 1757-1765 (2024)
The effect of job and personal demands and resources on healthcare workers' wellbeing : a cross-sectional study
Yousef Consuela Cheriece, Farooq Ali, Amateau Gigi, Abu Esba Laila Carolina, Burnett Keisha, Alyas Omar Anwar
PLoS ONE Vol 19 (2024)

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Research Interests

My research focus is "Where human meets technology"!

I am interested in understanding how people interact with technology, what issues they face, and the consequences of technology use. To understand these dynamics, I borrow knowledge from disciplines such as sociology, psychology, and economics and conduct user studies (both quantitative and qualitative) to understand and improve human-technology interaction, especially cybersecurity behaviours.

Investigating the effects of the dark side of technology, such as information overload and techno-stress, on well-being and security-related behaviours is also close to my heart.

Professional Activities

NCSC ACE-CSR Conference 2025
Reasoning About Group Privacy
In The Defence of Realm: Challenges of Cybersecurity Professionals
On Understanding of Research and Publication Process
From AI to GenAI: Challenges in the Emergent Use of Text-Based Generative AI in Research
Glasgow AI experts to probe how Chat GPT could help university researchers

More professional activities


Addressing Privacy Risks and Legal Challenges in the Emergent Use of Text-based Generative AI for UK Research (REPHRAIN)
Moncur, Wendy (Principal Investigator) Farooq, Ali (Co-investigator) Farooq, Ali (Co-investigator) Gibson, Ryan Colin (Research Co-investigator) Gibson, Ryan Colin (Research Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2023 - 31-Jan-2024
Addressing Privacy Risks and Legal Challenges in the Emergent Use of Text-based Generative AI for UK Research (REPHRAIN)
Moncur, Wendy (Principal Investigator) Farooq, Ali (Co-investigator) Farooq, Ali (Co-investigator) Gibson, Ryan Colin (Research Co-investigator) Gibson, Ryan Colin (Research Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2023 - 31-Jan-2024

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Dr Ali Farooq
Computer and Information Sciences

Email: ali.farooq@strath.ac.uk
Tel: Unlisted