Professor Patricia Findlay
Work, Employment and Organisation
Area of Expertise
- Workplace Innovation
- Job quality, skills and learning
- Fair work
- Employee Relations
- Employment Regulation
- Gender Equality
Prize And Awards
- Royal Society of Arts
- Recipient
- 2018
- Emerald Management Reviews Citations of Excellence Winner
- Recipient
- 2010
- Co-producing employee engagement approaches in a workplace partnership : a route to partial success in public health workplaces
- Findlay Patricia, Lindsay Colin, Stewart Robert
- Industrial Relations Journal (2024)
- https://doi.org/10.1111/irj.12459
- Women in Agriculture : Approaches to Implementing Equality Commitments
- Findlay Patricia, Dutton Eli, Murray Nicola, McQuarrie Jo
- (2022)
- Epilepsy and Employment : a Scoping Exercise for Epilepsy Scotland
- Findlay Patricia, McQuarrie Johanna, Congreve Emma
- (2022)
- Fair Work in Modern and Graduate Apprenticeships : Final Report
- Findlay Patricia, Stewart Robert, Anderson Pauline
- Social Research series Social Research series, Vol PPDAS892326 (2021)
- CIPD Good Work Index 2021 : UK Working Lives Survey
- Findlay Patricia, Lindsay Colin, McIntyre Stuart, Roy Graeme, Stewart Robert, Dutton Eli
- (2021)
- Business models, innovation and employees' experiences in the workplace : challenges for the post-Covid-19 economy
- Findlay Patricia, Lindsay Colin, Roy Graeme
- Productivity and the Pandemic Challenges and Insights from Covid- 19 (2021) (2021)
- https://doi.org/10.4337/9781800374607
My two main areas of responsibility in teaching in recent years has been for a group of doctoral students and for the MBA Module Managing People in Organisations. I have also delivered teaching for bespoke MBA programmes through the Centre for Corporate Connections.
Research Interests
My recent research activity has focussed on four key themes: job quality and how this can be improved; skills and learning, gender equality; and industrial relations governance within and outwith the workplace. These distinct research themes are also relevant to my broader interest in workplace innovation within a mutual gains framework. Current/recent research projects include:
- Harnessing Knowledge, Research and Networks to drive Fair, Innovative and Transformative Work (FITwork) in Scotland
- Evaluation of Community Pharmacy Technology Pilots
- Workplace Innovation Masterclasses
- Innovating Works ... improving work and workplaces
- The future of work, employment, skills and training in Scotland
- Automation, organisational redesign and associated skills implications within hospital pharmacy services
- Profiling women’s participation in manufacturing
- Smart HR metrics and monitoring equality and diversity data
- Occupational pay comparisons
- Union-led employability and employment rights support
- Making bad jobs better
- Improving skills utilisation
- Union-led learning and trade union revitalisation
- Employer-employee partnerships and mutual gains organisational change
- Teachers’ pay comparability
- Gender inequality in financial services
Professional Activities
- Launch of GCVS funded Fair Work in Scotland's Third Sector report
- Speaker
- 27/7/2023
- Meet with Cabinet Secretary for Fair Work
- Speaker
- 10/6/2023
- Roundtable on Fair Work
- Speaker
- 1/6/2023
- Fair Work, Innovation and Productivity
- Speaker
- 10/5/2023
- Briefing new Cabinet Secretary for Wellbeing, Fair Work and Energy
- Speaker
- 6/4/2023
- Invited participant, ESRC Strategic Ideas Generation Workshop, London
- Speaker
- 22/3/2023
- Police Officer Pay and Benefits - Independent Review / Research
- Sousa, Joao (Principal Investigator) Findlay, Patricia (Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2024 - 30-Jan-2025
- Effective worker voice and pathways to productivity
- Findlay, Patricia (Principal Investigator) Lindsay, Colin (Co-investigator)
- 08-Jan-2024 - 07-Jan-2025
- Evaluation of Automated Technologies in Community Pharmacy 2023 update
- Findlay, Patricia (Principal Investigator) van der Meer, Robert (Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2023 - 31-Jan-2024
- Leveraging fair work practice to deliver work engagement and wellbeing
- Findlay, Patricia (Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2023 - 31-Jan-2028
- Fair Work in the Third Sector
- McQuarrie, Johanna (Co-investigator) Findlay, Patricia (Principal Investigator)
- 01-Jan-2022 - 31-Jan-2022
- Women in Agriculture: Evidence-Based Approaches to Implementing Equality Commitments in Organisations
- Findlay, Patricia (Principal Investigator) Dutton, Eli (Co-investigator) Murray, Nicola (Co-investigator) McQuarrie, Johanna (Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2021 - 31-Jan-2022
Work, Employment and Organisation
Email: patricia.findlay@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 4858