Mr Dominic Finn
Teaching Fellow
Management Science
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Prize And Awards
- Nominated for SBS Teaching Excellence Award
- Recipient
- 1/6/2023
- University of Strathclyde Medal
- Recipient
- 1/10/2022
- Teaching Excellence Awards 2021 - Nomination
- Recipient
- 1/6/2021
- Teaching Excellence Awards 2019 - Nominations
- Recipient
- 1/6/2019
- Teaching Excellence Awards 2018 - Nomination
- Recipient
- 1/6/2018
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Professional Activities
- How UK Business Schools are Leveraging AI Technologies in Teaching and Administration
- Speaker
- 5/11/2024
- AMBA & BGA Global Deans and Directors Conference 2024
- Participant
- 12/5/2024
- OR Group of Scotland - event
- Participant
- 3/5/2024
- OUP Oxford (Publisher)
- Peer reviewer
- 1/5/2024
- Leveraging the latest simulations and technologies to teach soft skills
- Speaker
- 12/4/2024
- AACSB AOL - Europe, Middle East, and Africa Accreditation Conference
- Participant
- 14/6/2023
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Teaching Fellow
Management Science
Email: dominic.finn@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 3621