Dr Marco Fossati


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


Personal statement

Dr. Fossati is Senior Lecturer at the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of the University of Strathclyde. His research interests are in the area of multiphysics computational aerodynamics. His expertise is in the field of high-speed and non-equilibrium flows, modal-based Reduced Order Modeling for aerodynamics, mesh optimization and generation. At Strathclyde he is a member of the Aerospace Centre of Excellence (ACE) and director of the Future Air-Space Transportation Technologies (FASTT). Prior to joining Strathclyde Dr. Fossati was Associate Director of the CFD Laboratory at McGill University in Canada where he holds an Adjunct Professor position. He has been visiting researcher at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He holds a PhD in Computational Fluid Dynamics from Politecnico di Milano. Dr. Fossati is a member of the editorial board of Computers and Fluids and serves as a reviewer for the Journal of Computational Physics, Physics of Fluids, AIAA Journal, International Journal of Multiphase Flows, Aerospace Science and Technology, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation and the International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics.

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  • Engineering Analysis - Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • Flight and Space Flight
  • Intro to Open-source CFD
  • Mechanical Engineerign Principles
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Research Interests

  • Multi-physics non-equilibrium computational aerodynamics
  • Data-driven Reduced Basis/Order Methods for fluid mechanics
  • Aerothermodynamics of atmospheric entry
  • Aerodynamic design of next-generation aircraft and UAVs
  • Mesh adaptivity and (re)generation

Professional Activities

Plasma Flow Control in an S-shaped Intake: Measurement and Computation
Nonequilibrium shock interference in CO2 mixtures
Non-equilibrium Effects in Hypersonic Shock Interaction Patterns
Shock Waves (Journal)
Peer reviewer
Health and Care Futures: thematic areas workshop
Multi-Fidelity experimental-numerical calibration of a reduced-order model for empennage configurations

More professional activities


Protecting Earth from the uncertAinty of spaCe debris re-Entry
Fossati, Marco (Principal Investigator) Bi, Sifeng (Co-investigator) Vasile, Massimiliano (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2024 - 31-Jan-2027
Hyperspectral Detection (IR to UV) Re-entry Signatures from Orbit
Fossati, Marco (Principal Investigator) Marshall, Stephen (Co-investigator) Murray, Paul (Co-investigator) Vasile, Massimiliano (Co-investigator) Zabalza, Jaime (Co-investigator)
08-Jan-2024 - 08-Jan-2025
Development of a State-to-State CFD Code for the Characterization the Aerothermal Environment of Ice Giants Plantets Entry Capsules
Fossati, Marco (Principal Investigator)
05-Jan-2023 - 28-Jan-2025
INtegration and Digital demonstration of low-emission aIrcraft technoloGies and airport Operations (INDIGO) (Horizon Europe CL5)
Fossati, Marco (Principal Investigator) Jones, Catherine (Co-investigator) Maddock, Christie (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2023 - 31-Jan-2026
Data-driven aErothermal and thermomeChanical mOdelling for Destructive re-Entry
Fossati, Marco (Principal Investigator) Maddock, Christie (Co-investigator) Vasile, Massimiliano (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2022 - 31-Jan-2025
Multi-fidelity modelling and simulation of aircraft-generated vortex dynamics and their impact on airport environments
Fossati, Marco (Principal Investigator)
01-Jan-2022 - 31-Jan-2025

More projects

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Dr Marco Fossati
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Email: marco.fossati@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 574 5061