Dr Katja Frimberger




Personal statement

I am currently Lecturer in Education Studies at the Strathclyde Institute of Education in Glasgow, Scotland and Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

My research interest lies in the area of Philosophy of (Arts/Aesthetic) Education. I am particularly interested in understanding the formative (educational) potential of film and theatre (making), both through theoretical investigation (e.g. into different concepts of aesthetic education), as well as through practice-based research in collaborative filmmaking (leading to non-textual, arts-based research outputs). 

My most recent publications (2023-24) look at the German concept of education as 'Bildung' through the French film 'Des Hommes Et Des Dieux' (Of Gods and Men) and medieval theologian Meister Eckhart's Bild-based theology (read here); explore philosophers Hans-Georg Gadamer's and Jacques Maritain's understanding of the formative potential of art/film-making (read here); investigate German theatre maker Bertolt Brecht’s philosophising theatre pedagogy of estrangement/Verfremdung (read here); and look at Latvian director and actor Asja Lācis' 'porous' educational philosophy in her proletarian children's theatre in post-WWI Russia (read here).

As performer, producer and educator, I regularly participate in film projects in collaboration with non-academic stakeholders in the creative and charity sector.

The Science Fiction Short Film "Refuge" was a collaboration with filmmaker Simon Bishopp. The short was exhibited at Bafta-qualifying film festivals, selected for the BFI's "shorts in support scheme"  and can be watched on Alex Proyas (director of The Crow, Dark City, I-Robot, Gods of Egypt) Streaming Platform Vidiverse.

Our film-making and digital animation education projects for care-experienced children and young people in Scotland (Little Animation Studio; UAnimate and Scotland Our New Home) received funding through Creative Scotland, the Paul Hamlyn Foundation and the School for Social Entrepreneurs.

Previously Lecturer in Theatre at Brunel University London, I taught Applied Theatre, Performance Theory & Directing for the BA Theatre.

In my role as Research Associate at the University of Glasgow for the 3-year, Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC)-funded, £2 mill. large grant project 'Researching Multilingually at the Borders of the Body, Language, Law & the State', I theorised the role of arts-based research methods in multilingual settings.

I was awarded a fully funded 3-year PhD research scholarship in the area of aesthetic/intercultural education (focus: applied theatre) from the College of Social Sciences/School of Education at the University of Glasgow in Scotland. 

My PhD project explored international students' lived experiences of 'interculturality' through a performance-based research pedagogy, based on German theatre maker Bertolt Brecht's theatre/actor training theory and practice. I passed my viva voce in May 2013.

Prior to my academic career, I worked as a language (English, German) and drama educator in secondary, adult & community education, in Germany, Venezuela, Ireland and Scotland.

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Prize And Awards

Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Finalist National Lottery Good Causes Award 2023
London Sc-Fi Film Festival Selection
Selection for "Shorts in Support" Scheme (Film Hub Scotland/BFI Film Audience Network)
Award Nominee Southside Filmmaker Award
Glasgow Film Festival Selection (BAFTA qualifying)

More prizes and awards


PhD University of Glasgow in Scotland/UK for a thesis entitled: Towards a Brechtian Research Pedagogy for Intercultural Education: Cultivating Intercultural Spaces of Experiment through Drama.

M.A. Theatre Studies, University College Cork (UCC) in Ireland.

M.Ed. Education, with English & German, Universität Hildesheim in Germany

Teacher Training Qualification (secondary) for German & English in the federal state of Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen), Germany.

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Research Interests

Research Interests:

  • Aesthetic and cultural education/philosophy of education 


  • The Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain (PESGB)
  • The International Network of Philosophers of Education (INPE)
  • The North American Association for Philosophy of Education (NAAPE/APOE)
  • The Scottish Educational Research Association (Theory and Philosophy of Education Network), SERA

Professional Activities

Meister Eckhart and his notion of Education
Grant Application Reviewer for Program for Arts-based Research (FWF/Austrian Science Fund)
Journal of Philosophy of Education (Journal)
Peer reviewer
Science as Art, International Paul K Feyerabend Conference, Goethe Nationalmuseum, organised by the Klassik Stiftung Weimar, Germany
Education as Formation in the Film Of Gods and Men
Peer-reviewer for North American Association for Philosophy and Education (NAAPE) Annual Conference 2024 (Event)
Peer reviewer

More professional activities


Creative Multilingualism: from Practice to Research to Education (Project Team Member)
Frimberger, Katja (Academic)
Member of the research team of the project Creative Multilingualism funded through the Greek Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (H.F.R.I.). The project is led by Prof George Androulakis at the University of Thessaly (Volos).
03-Feb-2020 - 01-Dec-2022
Researching Multilingually at the Borders of the Body, Language, Law and the State (Research Associate)
Frimberger, Katja (Researcher)
I was Research Associate on the project, with a focus on the role of arts-based research methods in multilingual settings.
01-Apr-2014 - 01-Sep-2016
Production manager on creation of Right to Remain Digital Toolkit, Human Rights Organisation ‘Right to Remain’
Frimberger, Katja (Academic)
(£4400) Research-Led Initiatives Award (Project: Documentary Filmmaking as Research )
Frimberger, Katja (Post Grad Student)
I was recipient of the researcher-led initiative award (University of Glasgow) for my project "Documentary Filmmaking as Research" and the making of the documentary film 'Making connections', as a researcher development initiative for postgraduate students at the University of Glasgow. The project was run in partnership with Glasgow-based filmmaking collective Camcorder Guerillas.
01-Feb-2012 - 01-Sep-2012
(£54,900) Doctoral Scholarship Award: "Towards a Brechtian Research Pedagogy" (University of Glasgow)
Frimberger, Katja (Principal Investigator)
Fully funded PhD research project (University of Glasgow, School of Education)
30-Sep-2009 - 31-May-2013

More projects

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Dr Katja Frimberger

Email: katja.frimberger@strath.ac.uk
Tel: Unlisted