Dr Alison Gray


Mathematics and Statistics


Personal statement

I belong to the departmental Population Modelling and Epidemiology (PME) research group and am an associate member of the Stochastic Analysis group. I lecture in statistics, currently multivariate statistics and introductory probability and statistics. For many years I taught mathematical statistics and survey design and analysis, and also regression modelling.

My research interests cover pattern recognition and machine learning, image analysis, applied epidemiology, SDE models for epidemics, and applications of statistics for honey bee research.   I am a Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society, and a former long term member of the British Machine Vision Association.

 I run an annual spring survey of beekeepers in Scotland, collecting questionnaire data to study colony losses over winter and other aspects of beekeeping practice and experience, together with a retired beekeeper colleague. We began this in 2006 and recently carried out our 11th survey. Since 2010 I have been involved in the COLOSS (Prevention of honey bee COlony LOSSes); www.coloss.org) honey bee colony loss international research association and have been co-chair of its colony loss monitoring group since September 2014. This group co-ordinates colony loss surveys in more than 30 countries across Europe and beyond. I have been data co-ordinator/analyst of the same group since February 2016.

I was involved in the COLOSS CSI (Citizen Science Investigator) Pollen project for study of pollen diversity across Europe over the 2014 and 2015 foraging seasons, established this project in Scotland, acted as UK co-ordinator, and also as international co-ordinator for a one-year continuation of CSI Pollen in 2016.  

In addition to the above a current project is examining bee race across Scotland, using wing morphometry and multivariate statistics, as well as DNA analysis.

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COLOSS B-RAP expert evaluation of beekeeping advice from ChatGPT, part 2
Fabricius Kristiansen Lotta, Morawetz Linde, Chlebo Robert, Gray Alison, Mazur Ewa, Dahle Bjørn, Diéguez-Antón Ana, Schaunitzer Georg, Gratzer Kristina, Oberreiter Hannes, Schorkopf Dirk Louis P, Fischer Johann, Brodschneider Robert
Bee World, pp. 1-3 (2024)
High rates of honey bee colony losses and regional variability in Ethiopia based on the standardised COLOSS 2023 survey
Hailu Teweldemedhn Gebretinsae, Atsbeha Alem Tadesse, Wakjira Kibebew, Gray Alison
Insects Vol 15 (2024)
COLOSS B-RAP expert evaluation of beekeeping advice from ChatGPT, part 1
Morawetz Linde, Fabricius Kristiansen Lotta, Brus Jan, Dahle Bjørn, Danihlík Jiří, Diéguez-Antón Ana, Fischer Johann, Gray Alison, Mazur Ewa, Schaunitzer Georg, Brodschneider Robert
Bee World Vol 101, pp. 2-4 (2024)
Honey bee colony population annual dynamics in northern Ethiopia's semi-arid region, Tigray
Hailu Teweldemedhn Gebretinsae, Wakjira Kibebew, Gray Alison
Journal of Apicultural Research, pp. 1-10 (2024)
Comparing two approaches for evaluating the performance of single imputation methods for missing values in univariate water level data
Umar Nura, Gray Alison
TIES 2023 Regional Meeting (2023)
Optimal parameter choice for imputing missing values in water level data using the k-nearest neighbour (kNN) method
Umar Nura, Gray Alison
The Doctoral School Multidisciplinary Symposium (DSMS 2023) (2023)

More publications

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Professional Activities

Honey bee colony losses, surveys in Scotland, and some international results
COLOSS Monitoring Group Workshop, Nitra, Slovakia
COLOSS B-rap Workshop, Nitra, Slovakia
Mapping bee race across Scotland.
Mapping bee race across Scotland.
Some findings from the monitoring group data 2017.

More professional activities


Citizen Science Investigation for Pesticides in Apicultural Products (INSIGNIA)
Gray, Alison (Principal Investigator)
Pilot study on environmental monitoring of pesticide use through honey bees
01-Jan-2018 - 30-Jan-2021
Pollen collection for assessing forage diversity for honey bees in Britain and Ireland
Gray, Alison (Principal Investigator)
01-Jan-2014 - 31-Jan-2017
Spectral Unmixing [EPSRC Industrial Case Award with BAE Systems] | Young, Andrew
Marshall, Stephen (Principal Investigator) Gray, Alison (Co-investigator) Young, Andrew (Research Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2013 - 25-Jan-2017
Nanoscale characterisation of nitride semiconductor thin films using EBSD, ECCI, CL and EBIC.
Trager-Cowan, Carol (Principal Investigator) Gray, Alison (Co-investigator) Hourahine, Ben (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2012 - 30-Jan-2016
Aquaculture Sampling Approaches for Detection of Veterinary Residues
Gettinby, George (Principal Investigator) Gray, Alison (Co-investigator)
05-Jan-2011 - 31-Jan-2012

More projects

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Dr Alison Gray
Mathematics and Statistics

Email: a.j.gray@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 4335