Dr Alison Gray
Mathematics and Statistics
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- COLOSS B-RAP expert evaluation of beekeeping advice from ChatGPT, part 2
- Fabricius Kristiansen Lotta, Morawetz Linde, Chlebo Robert, Gray Alison, Mazur Ewa, Dahle Bjørn, Diéguez-Antón Ana, Schaunitzer Georg, Gratzer Kristina, Oberreiter Hannes, Schorkopf Dirk Louis P, Fischer Johann, Brodschneider Robert
- Bee World, pp. 1-3 (2024)
- https://doi.org/10.1080/0005772x.2024.2418224
- High rates of honey bee colony losses and regional variability in Ethiopia based on the standardised COLOSS 2023 survey
- Hailu Teweldemedhn Gebretinsae, Atsbeha Alem Tadesse, Wakjira Kibebew, Gray Alison
- Insects Vol 15 (2024)
- https://doi.org/10.3390/insects15060376
- COLOSS B-RAP expert evaluation of beekeeping advice from ChatGPT, part 1
- Morawetz Linde, Fabricius Kristiansen Lotta, Brus Jan, Dahle Bjørn, Danihlík Jiří, Diéguez-Antón Ana, Fischer Johann, Gray Alison, Mazur Ewa, Schaunitzer Georg, Brodschneider Robert
- Bee World Vol 101, pp. 2-4 (2024)
- https://doi.org/10.1080/0005772X.2024.2348305
- Honey bee colony population annual dynamics in northern Ethiopia's semi-arid region, Tigray
- Hailu Teweldemedhn Gebretinsae, Wakjira Kibebew, Gray Alison
- Journal of Apicultural Research, pp. 1-10 (2024)
- https://doi.org/10.1080/00218839.2024.2309781
- Comparing two approaches for evaluating the performance of single imputation methods for missing values in univariate water level data
- Umar Nura, Gray Alison
- TIES 2023 Regional Meeting (2023)
- Optimal parameter choice for imputing missing values in water level data using the k-nearest neighbour (kNN) method
- Umar Nura, Gray Alison
- The Doctoral School Multidisciplinary Symposium (DSMS 2023) (2023)
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Professional Activities
- Honey bee colony losses, surveys in Scotland, and some international results
- Speaker
- 12/4/2018
- COLOSS Monitoring Group Workshop, Nitra, Slovakia
- Chair
- 7/2/2018
- COLOSS B-rap Workshop, Nitra, Slovakia
- Participant
- 5/2/2018
- Mapping bee race across Scotland.
- Contributor
- 5/12/2017
- Mapping bee race across Scotland.
- Speaker
- 18/11/2017
- Some findings from the monitoring group data 2017.
- Contributor
- 2/11/2017
- Citizen Science Investigation for Pesticides in Apicultural Products (INSIGNIA)
- Gray, Alison (Principal Investigator)
- Pilot study on environmental monitoring of pesticide use through honey bees
- 01-Jan-2018 - 30-Jan-2021
- Pollen collection for assessing forage diversity for honey bees in Britain and Ireland
- Gray, Alison (Principal Investigator)
- 01-Jan-2014 - 31-Jan-2017
- Spectral Unmixing [EPSRC Industrial Case Award with BAE Systems] | Young, Andrew
- Marshall, Stephen (Principal Investigator) Gray, Alison (Co-investigator) Young, Andrew (Research Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2013 - 25-Jan-2017
- Nanoscale characterisation of nitride semiconductor thin films using EBSD, ECCI, CL and EBIC.
- Trager-Cowan, Carol (Principal Investigator) Gray, Alison (Co-investigator) Hourahine, Ben (Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2012 - 30-Jan-2016
- Aquaculture Sampling Approaches for Detection of Veterinary Residues
- Gettinby, George (Principal Investigator) Gray, Alison (Co-investigator)
- 05-Jan-2011 - 31-Jan-2012
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Mathematics and Statistics
Email: a.j.gray@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 4335