Dr Ross Gray
Senior Research Fellow
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- Stable laser-acceleration of high-flux proton beams with plasma collimation
- Streeter M J V, Glenn G D, Dilorio S, Treffert F, Loughran B, Ahmed H, Astbury S, Borghesi M, Bourgeois N, Curry C B, Dann S J D, Dover N P, Dzelzainis T, Ettlinger O C, Gauthier M, Giuffrida L, Glenzer S H, Gray R J, Green J S, Hicks G S, Hyland C, Istokskaia V, King M, Margarone D, McCusker O, McKenna P, Najmudin Z, ParisuaƱa C, Parsons P, Spindloe C, Symes D R, Thomas AGR, Xu N, Palmer C A J
- Nature Communications Vol 16 (2025)
- https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-025-56248-4
- Commissioning of a high repetition rate ion source target area at the SCAPA facility
- Dolier Ewan, Wilson Robbie, Torrance Ben, Peat Romero Maia, Alderton Matthew, McQueen Christopher, Wiggins Mark, Manahan Grace, Brunetti Enrico, Li Wentao, Jaroszynski Dino, Gray Ross, McKenna Paul
- 2024 Christmas Meeting of the High Power Laser User Community (2024)
- A scintillating fiber imaging spectrometer for active characterization of laser-driven proton beams
- Patel J K, Armstrong C D, Wilson R, Alderton M, Dolier E J, Frazer T P, Horne A, Lofrese A, Peat M, Woodward M, Zielbauer B, Clarke R J, Deas R, Rajeev P P, Gray R J, McKenna P
- High Power Laser Science and Engineering Vol 12 (2024)
- https://doi.org/10.1017/hpl.2024.62
- A Search Using GEO600 for Gravitational Waves Coincident with Fast Radio Bursts from SGR 1935+2154
- , Andia M, Ben Yaala M, Brooks A F, Brown B C, Brown D D, Carlin J B, Carter J J, Chan J C L, Chen D, Chen H Y, Chen H Y, Chen J, Chen K H, Chen Y, Cheng H P, Chou C, Clark J A, Clarke J, Clarke T A, Collins J, Costa C A, Craig K, Cumming A, Darroch K E, Davis P J, Ding J, Evans M, Fazio M, Ferguson D L, Fleming L S, Gallagher H, Ganguly A, Gardner J W, Gardner K A, George J, Gibson D R, Gibson D R, Gier C, Grassia P, Gray A, Gray C, Gray R, Green A C, Green S M, Green S M, Guo H, Guo Y, Gupta P, Gupta S K, Hall E D, Hamilton E Z, Han W-B, Hanson J, Hendry M, Hewitt A L, Hill S, Hough J, Hu Q, Huang Y-J, Iqbal M H, Jadhav S J, Jadhav S J, Jiang J, Johnston M C, Johnston R, Jones D H, Jones D H, Jones R, Ju L, Khan F, Khan I, Kim C, Kim J C, Kim K, Kim M H, Kim S, Kinnear M, Kumar A, Lawrence J, Lawrence M N, Lee H W, Lee H W, Lee R, Lee R, Lee S, Li T G F, Li X, Li Z, Lin F, Lin L C-C, Liu G C, Liu Jian, Longo A, Ma L-T, Macleod D M, Malik A, Martin I W, Martin R M, Martinez V, McLeod A, Miller A L, Miller S, Mitchell A L, Mitchell J G, Moore C J, Morgan C, Murray P G, Oliveira A S, Pan J, Pandey S, Paul S, Qi H, Reid S, Richardson J W, Robertson C, Robinson M, Ross M P, Roy S K, Roy S K, Sanchez A, Scott J, Sharma A K, Shaw M R, Singh A, Singh S, Smith J R, Smith L, Smith R J E, Smith W J, Sun L, Talbot C, Tang D, Tao L, Thomas M, Thompson J E, Todd M R, Wade M, Wallace G S, Wallace L, Wang H, Wang J Z, Wang W H, Wang Z, Warner J, Weaver B R, Weaver B R, Williams D, Williams M J, Williams N S, Wright M, Wu C, Wu H, Xu Y, Yang K Z, Yang Y, Yu H, Zhang L, Zhang R, Zhang T, Zhang Y, Zhao C, Zheng Y, Zhu X-J, Zhu Z-H
- The Astrophysical Journal Vol 977 (2024)
- https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/ad8de0
- Machine learning guided optimisation of fast electron temperature in laser-solid interaction experiments
- Peat Romero Maia, Dolier Ewan, King Martin, Wilson Robbie, Frazer Timothy, Alderton Matthew, Bacon Ewan, Patel Jesel, Torrance Ben, Nayli Radhika, Dzelzainis Thomas, Gray Ross, McKenna Paul
- 50th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics (2024)
- On the development and commissioning of a high repetition rate ion source target area to facilitate 1 Hz operation
- Wilson Robbie, Torrance Ben, Dolier Ewan, Peat Romero Maia, Alderton Matthew, McQueen Christopher, Wiggins Mark, Manahan Grace, Brunetti Enrico, Li Wentao, Jaroszynski Dino, Gray Ross, McKenna Paul
- 50th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics (2024)
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Professional Activities
- Progress Towards High Repetition-Rate Ultra-Thin Targetry
- Contributor
- 15/1/2025
- Synthetic Diagnostics of Laser-Driven Ion Acceleration
- Contributor
- 16/12/2024
- Progress Towards High Repetition-Rate Ultra-Thin Targetry
- Contributor
- 16/12/2024
- ARISE: Algorithm for Rapid Ion Spectrum Extraction
- Speaker
- 16/12/2024
- Progress Towards High Repetition-Rate Laser-Driven Ion Sources at SCAPA
- Contributor
- 24/5/2024
- Machine learning guided optimisation of fast electron temperature in laser-solid interaction experiments
- Contributor
- 22/5/2024
- DTP 2224 University of Strathclyde | Leena Sadasivan Nair, Sreejith Sadan
- McKenna, Paul (Principal Investigator) Gray, Ross (Co-investigator) Leena Sadasivan Nair, Sreejith Sadan (Research Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2025 - 01-Jan-2028
- Bayesian optimisation of inertial confinement fusion in multi-scale simulations
- McKenna, Paul (Principal Investigator) Gray, Ross (Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2024 - 31-Jan-2028
- Optimisation and control of laser-driven radiation sources using machine learning | Nayli, Radhika
- McKenna, Paul (Principal Investigator) Gray, Ross (Co-investigator) Nayli, Radhika (Research Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2022 - 01-Jan-2026
- Optimisation and control of laser-driven radiation sources using machine learning
- Gray, Ross (Principal Investigator) McKenna, Paul (Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2022 - 31-Jan-2026
- Industrial CASE Account - University of Strathclyde 2022 | Torrance, Ben
- McKenna, Paul (Principal Investigator) Gray, Ross (Co-investigator) Torrance, Ben (Research Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2022 - 01-Jan-2026
- The Laser-hybrid Accelerator for Radiobiological Applications
- Whyte, Colin (Principal Investigator) Gray, Ross (Co-investigator) McKenna, Paul (Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2022 - 31-Jan-2024