Dr Ross Gray

Senior Research Fellow



Personal statement

Ross Gray received his PhD from the University of Strathclyde in 2013, he continued at Strathclyde through his post-doctoral research from 2013-2016 and is now a senior research fellow in laser-plasma interactions. His research covers a range of topics in intense laser-matter interactions including laser-driven ion acceleration, relativistic plasma photonics, high field laser-matter interactions and the application of machine learning to plasma physics.

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Stable laser-acceleration of high-flux proton beams with plasma collimation
Streeter M J V, Glenn G D, Dilorio S, Treffert F, Loughran B, Ahmed H, Astbury S, Borghesi M, Bourgeois N, Curry C B, Dann S J D, Dover N P, Dzelzainis T, Ettlinger O C, Gauthier M, Giuffrida L, Glenzer S H, Gray R J, Green J S, Hicks G S, Hyland C, Istokskaia V, King M, Margarone D, McCusker O, McKenna P, Najmudin Z, ParisuaƱa C, Parsons P, Spindloe C, Symes D R, Thomas AGR, Xu N, Palmer C A J
Nature Communications Vol 16 (2025)
Commissioning of a high repetition rate ion source target area at the SCAPA facility
Dolier Ewan, Wilson Robbie, Torrance Ben, Peat Romero Maia, Alderton Matthew, McQueen Christopher, Wiggins Mark, Manahan Grace, Brunetti Enrico, Li Wentao, Jaroszynski Dino, Gray Ross, McKenna Paul
2024 Christmas Meeting of the High Power Laser User Community (2024)
A scintillating fiber imaging spectrometer for active characterization of laser-driven proton beams
Patel J K, Armstrong C D, Wilson R, Alderton M, Dolier E J, Frazer T P, Horne A, Lofrese A, Peat M, Woodward M, Zielbauer B, Clarke R J, Deas R, Rajeev P P, Gray R J, McKenna P
High Power Laser Science and Engineering Vol 12 (2024)
A Search Using GEO600 for Gravitational Waves Coincident with Fast Radio Bursts from SGR 1935+2154
, Andia M, Ben Yaala M, Brooks A F, Brown B C, Brown D D, Carlin J B, Carter J J, Chan J C L, Chen D, Chen H Y, Chen H Y, Chen J, Chen K H, Chen Y, Cheng H P, Chou C, Clark J A, Clarke J, Clarke T A, Collins J, Costa C A, Craig K, Cumming A, Darroch K E, Davis P J, Ding J, Evans M, Fazio M, Ferguson D L, Fleming L S, Gallagher H, Ganguly A, Gardner J W, Gardner K A, George J, Gibson D R, Gibson D R, Gier C, Grassia P, Gray A, Gray C, Gray R, Green A C, Green S M, Green S M, Guo H, Guo Y, Gupta P, Gupta S K, Hall E D, Hamilton E Z, Han W-B, Hanson J, Hendry M, Hewitt A L, Hill S, Hough J, Hu Q, Huang Y-J, Iqbal M H, Jadhav S J, Jadhav S J, Jiang J, Johnston M C, Johnston R, Jones D H, Jones D H, Jones R, Ju L, Khan F, Khan I, Kim C, Kim J C, Kim K, Kim M H, Kim S, Kinnear M, Kumar A, Lawrence J, Lawrence M N, Lee H W, Lee H W, Lee R, Lee R, Lee S, Li T G F, Li X, Li Z, Lin F, Lin L C-C, Liu G C, Liu Jian, Longo A, Ma L-T, Macleod D M, Malik A, Martin I W, Martin R M, Martinez V, McLeod A, Miller A L, Miller S, Mitchell A L, Mitchell J G, Moore C J, Morgan C, Murray P G, Oliveira A S, Pan J, Pandey S, Paul S, Qi H, Reid S, Richardson J W, Robertson C, Robinson M, Ross M P, Roy S K, Roy S K, Sanchez A, Scott J, Sharma A K, Shaw M R, Singh A, Singh S, Smith J R, Smith L, Smith R J E, Smith W J, Sun L, Talbot C, Tang D, Tao L, Thomas M, Thompson J E, Todd M R, Wade M, Wallace G S, Wallace L, Wang H, Wang J Z, Wang W H, Wang Z, Warner J, Weaver B R, Weaver B R, Williams D, Williams M J, Williams N S, Wright M, Wu C, Wu H, Xu Y, Yang K Z, Yang Y, Yu H, Zhang L, Zhang R, Zhang T, Zhang Y, Zhao C, Zheng Y, Zhu X-J, Zhu Z-H
The Astrophysical Journal Vol 977 (2024)
Machine learning guided optimisation of fast electron temperature in laser-solid interaction experiments
Peat Romero Maia, Dolier Ewan, King Martin, Wilson Robbie, Frazer Timothy, Alderton Matthew, Bacon Ewan, Patel Jesel, Torrance Ben, Nayli Radhika, Dzelzainis Thomas, Gray Ross, McKenna Paul
50th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics (2024)
On the development and commissioning of a high repetition rate ion source target area to facilitate 1 Hz operation
Wilson Robbie, Torrance Ben, Dolier Ewan, Peat Romero Maia, Alderton Matthew, McQueen Christopher, Wiggins Mark, Manahan Grace, Brunetti Enrico, Li Wentao, Jaroszynski Dino, Gray Ross, McKenna Paul
50th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics (2024)

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Professional Activities

Progress Towards High Repetition-Rate Ultra-Thin Targetry
Synthetic Diagnostics of Laser-Driven Ion Acceleration
Progress Towards High Repetition-Rate Ultra-Thin Targetry
ARISE: Algorithm for Rapid Ion Spectrum Extraction
Progress Towards High Repetition-Rate Laser-Driven Ion Sources at SCAPA
Machine learning guided optimisation of fast electron temperature in laser-solid interaction experiments

More professional activities


DTP 2224 University of Strathclyde | Leena Sadasivan Nair, Sreejith Sadan
McKenna, Paul (Principal Investigator) Gray, Ross (Co-investigator) Leena Sadasivan Nair, Sreejith Sadan (Research Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2025 - 01-Jan-2028
Bayesian optimisation of inertial confinement fusion in multi-scale simulations
McKenna, Paul (Principal Investigator) Gray, Ross (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2024 - 31-Jan-2028
Optimisation and control of laser-driven radiation sources using machine learning | Nayli, Radhika
McKenna, Paul (Principal Investigator) Gray, Ross (Co-investigator) Nayli, Radhika (Research Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2022 - 01-Jan-2026
Optimisation and control of laser-driven radiation sources using machine learning
Gray, Ross (Principal Investigator) McKenna, Paul (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2022 - 31-Jan-2026
Industrial CASE Account - University of Strathclyde 2022 | Torrance, Ben
McKenna, Paul (Principal Investigator) Gray, Ross (Co-investigator) Torrance, Ben (Research Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2022 - 01-Jan-2026
The Laser-hybrid Accelerator for Radiobiological Applications
Whyte, Colin (Principal Investigator) Gray, Ross (Co-investigator) McKenna, Paul (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2022 - 31-Jan-2024

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Dr Ross Gray
Senior Research Fellow

Email: ross.gray@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 5713