Dr Hilary Grierson
Principal Teaching Fellow
Design, Manufacturing and Engineering Management
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Area of Expertise
- distributed working
- distributed information management
- design education
- creative design methods
Prize And Awards
- Teaching Excellence Awards, 2018
- Recipient
- 2018
- Teaching Excellence Awards - Shortlisted for Best in Faculty, 2017
- Recipient
- 5/2017
- Teaching Excellence Awards, 2016
- Recipient
- 2016
- Teaching Excellence Awards, 2014
- Recipient
- 5/2014
- Teaching Excellence Award, USSA, 2013
- Recipient
- 5/2013
- Institute of Engineering Designers Group Prize 2011
- Recipient
- 5/11/2011
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- How can AI support the creation of novel ideas in product design
- Hamilton Victoria, Brisco Ross, Grierson Hilary
- Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE 2024) 26th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education , No. 2024, pp. 133-138 (2024)
- https://doi.org/10.35199/EPDE.2024.23
- Digital Solutions for Design Education
- Brisco Ross, Grierson Hilary
- (2024)
- What have we learnt : reflections pre and post pandemic on the transition to engineering design education online
- Brisco Ross, Grierson Hilary
- Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education 25th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education Vol E&PDE 2023 (2023)
- https://doi.org/10.35199/EPDE.2023.11
- Online course design using iterative workshops on computer-supported collaborative design for engineering design students
- Brisco Ross, Whitfield Robert Ian, Grierson Hilary
- Design and Technology Education: An International Journal Vol 27, pp. 8-35 (2022)
- The application of a prototyping support tool in a student design project
- Petrakis Konstantinos, Wodehouse Andrew, Grierson Hilary, Coutts Euan, Liikkanen Jussi, Parkkamäki Hannu
- 24th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (2022)
- Lessons learned in the development of an online 6-3-5 digital design tool for distributed idea generation
- Brisco Ross, Grierson Hilary, Lynn Andrew
- DS 110 23rd International Conference on Engineering & Product Design Education (2021)
- https://doi.org/10.35199/EPDE.2021.17
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I teach in the Global Design Class and in a Product Development Class with strong teaching interests in distributed design and design education. I have investigated creative design methods and how these might be applied to product design engineering projects and other engineering disciplines. More recently following the organisation of a CPD Circular Economy Conference at Strathclyde, headlining Dame Ellen McArthur, I am interested in how creativity can be applied to the design of sustainable of products.
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Professional Activities
- 18th International Design Conference, DESIGN 2024
- Chair
- 20/5/2024
- Design Society Design Education Special Interest Group Workshop on Design Education at the Engineering & Product Design Education Conference, (E&PDE 2021)
- Organiser
- 10/9/2021
- 23rd International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education
- Organiser
- 9/9/2021
- 22nd International Conference on Engineering & Product Design Education
- Organiser
- 10/9/2020
- The Journal of Engineering Design (Journal)
- Peer reviewer
- 2020
- Design Society Design Education Special Interest Group Workshop on Design Education at the Engineering & Product Design Education Conference, (E&PDE 2020)
- Organiser
- 2020
- Innovation Voucher - ClickNetherfield Ltd., Design process reengineering and modular product family investigation (£5k)
- Grierson, Hilary (Principal Investigator)
- Innovation Voucher for Clicknetherfield - supervision of student. Activity prior to a KTP.
- 09-Jan-2018 - 07-Jan-2018
- Teqnox Ltd. - RSE Enterprise Fellowship (£42.7k)
- Grierson, Hilary (Principal Investigator)
- Hosting of a RSE Enterprise Fellowship of one of DMEM's graduates in Sports Engineering. Design and development of protective bodywear for riders based on student project.
- 02-Jan-2018 - 29-Jan-2019
- RSE Enterprise Fellowship - All Day Designs Ltd. (£49k)
- Grierson, Hilary (Principal Investigator)
- 01-Jan-2016 - 31-Jan-2017
- Doctoral Training Partnership (DTA - University of Strathclyde) | Brisco, Ross
- Whitfield, Ian (Principal Investigator) Grierson, Hilary (Co-investigator) Brisco, Ross (Research Co-investigator)
- This project is investigating students utilisation of social network sites for conducting design activities and supporting the design process, such as, to support the reasoning and discussion required to make design decisions. Social network sites offer functionality which meets the needs of computer-supported collaborative design systems, such as, in the exchange and ideas, artefacts and documents. The ubiquity of social network sites and integration with student’s life allows them access to conduct teamwork at all times of the day and the integration of mobile devices allow them access from anywhere. Our findings show that students utilise this ability throughout their daily lives such as, utilising spare time on public transport or whilst waiting in a line in a shop to check in on team progress or contribute to a discussion. The growth of social network sites within academia and enterprise suggest that students will need to utilise the technology in the future. With this, and social network sites ability to support the design process identified in this study, there is a need to investigate the requirement for new design education pedagogies to support students learning. It is important to reason how this might be delivered and how we might encourage the use of best practices when engaging with the technology.
- 01-Jan-2015 - 15-Jan-2021
- Online CPD for Design Professionals,
- Grierson, Hilary (Principal Investigator) Grierson, David (Co-investigator)
- 04-Jan-2012 - 02-Jan-2015
- Information Cognition (IC): Enabling the Human Cog in the Information Retrieval Machine
- Grierson, Hilary (Principal Investigator) Corney, Jonathan (Co-investigator)
This research programme will investigate the feasibility of using visual representations for the secure navigation and search of large, complex, multimedia data sets. It draws upon prior research that shows the human visual system has a powerful ability to recognise and classify objects in 3D environments. To do this the project will create an experimental platform that combines human cognitive abilities with recent advances in design information management, computer graphics and data mining. The resulting system will support the systematic study of how advanced visual interfaces impact on a user's ability to both find individual items and identify patterns, or oddities, within subsets of the data.
The veracity of the project's experimental methodology is ensured through close collaboration with an international research centre supported by a consortium of leading defence contractors (ie Rolls Royce, Boeing etc). This partnership will ensure the project is focused on the challenges faced by the defence industry and can assess its outputs using a realistic bench mark environment." - 30-Jan-2012 - 31-Jan-2013
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Principal Teaching Fellow
Design, Manufacturing and Engineering Management
Email: h.j.grierson@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 5939