Dr Anastasios Hadjisolomou
Senior Lecturer
Work, Employment and Organisation
Area of Expertise
- Service Work
- Line managers and HRM
- Indiustrial conflict/Organizatonal misbehaviour
- Attendance at work
- Customer abuse
Prize And Awards
- Royal Society of Edinburgh Research Fellowship
- Recipient
- 1/2/2022
PhD in Human Resource Management – University of Strathclyde
MA in Human Resource Management - Newcastle University
MSc in Management - Nottingham Business School
Ptychion in Accounting and Finance - Athens University of Economics and Business
Proffesional qualifications:
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA)
Member of the British Universities Industrial Relations Association
- Fair Gig Work in Scotland? A Review of Employment Practices in the Scottish Food Delivery Work
- Mendonça Pedro, Hadjisolomou Tasos, Kougianou Nadia
- (2024)
- Customer abuse and harassment in the hospitality industry : the immersion of an everyday workplace crime
- Mitsakis Fotios, Hadjisolomou Anastasios, Kouki Amairisa
- Current Issues in Tourism (2024)
- https://doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2024.2342397
- 'Boys will be boys'? Submissive masculinity and sexual harassment in the gay tourism industry
- Hadjisolomou Tasos, Walters Kyla, Nickson Dennis, Baum Tom
- Hospitality and Society Vol 13, pp. 173 - 200 (2023)
- https://doi.org/10.1386/hosp_00068_1
- 'He is the customer, I will say yes' : notions of power, precarity and consent to sexual harassment by customers in the gay tourism industry
- Hadjisolomou Anastasios, Nickson Dennis, Baum Tom
- Gender, Work and Organisation Vol 30, pp. 1407-1428 (2023)
- https://doi.org/10.1111/gwao.12998
- Exploring the case the dark side of gay tourism : (half-)naked bodies, race, precarity and sexual harassment
- Hadjisolomou Anastasios, Nickson Dennis, Baum Tom
- Tourism Cases (2023)
- https://doi.org/10.1079/tourismetc.2023.0018
- Spaces of active disengagement across the food retail shop floor
- Hadjisolomou Tasos
- Employee Relations Vol 45, pp. 140-155 (2023)
- https://doi.org/10.1108/ER-03-2021-0096
My areas of teaching expertise cover employee relations and HRM generally, but with specific specialism in employment studies, industrial conflict, line management and HRM, sociology of work
Research Interests
Areas of research interest include:
Service work: The political, economic, and social structures and dynamics within the employment relationship. My interests focus on employment and the labour process in service organizations such retailing and hospitality.
Service Triangle: Particular interest of the role of the customer and the impact on the labour process and the organization of (service) work. I am interested in debates related to customer misbehaviour and abuse by customer.
Organizational Misbehaviour: Interest on Control-resistance debates with the wider business structures of contemporary capitalist economies. General interest on labour process theory, the manifestation of industrial conflict and debates on organizational misbehaviour
Customer abuse and sexual harassment in the service industry: I am particularly interested in the embedded problem of customer abuse, violence, and sexual harassment in the service industry, with particular interest in the gay tourism and gay hospitality industry, which remains an underexplored, and underdeveloped theme in research
Line managers and managerial labour process: I am interested in the organization of the managerial work and the managerial labour process, with particular interest on the organization of the front-line service management work and the role of line managers in HRM
Attendance at work and absence management: I am interested in debates related to absence management and workplace attendance across different sectors and contexts.
Professional Activities
- Addressing Sexual Harassment in the Hospitality Industry
- Organiser
- 2024
- Enhancing Hospitality Workplace Culture in Scotland
- Chair
- 2024
- Conference Special Stream: Queer(ing) activism in organizations: Voicing experiences of queer bodies, allyship, and alliances across intersectional marginalization Gender Work and Organization Conference
- Organiser
- 28/6/2023
- International Labour Process Conference 2023
- Organiser
- 12/4/2023
- ‘Presenteeism’ in UK higher education: risk factors and implications during the pandemic and beyond
- Speaker
- 28/7/2022
- Conference special stream: Reconnecting experiences of sexual harassment and workplace violence through intersectionality beyond borders
- Organiser
- 21/6/2022
- Research Excellence Award: Missing and marginalised voices: Exploring LGBT+ Networks as a Catalyst for Employee Voice and Intersectional Representation in the Workplace £101,388
- Hadjisolomou, Tasos (Principal Investigator) Johnstone, Stewart (Co-investigator)
- Employee voice has long been recognised as a central dimension of fairer workplaces and good jobs (Dundon et al. 2004; Wilkinson and Fay, 2011). However, scholars of employee voice overlooked workforce diversity, assuming employees are homogeneous and express themselves generically (Syed, 2021). An exception to the above is the emergence of research on ‘employee networks’ (Álvarez-Figueroa, 2023; Beaver, 2023), and their potential to offer a distinct ‘form’ of voice for the representation of marginalised organisational communities, and those who remain ‘invisible’ and/or silent. Yet while calls have been made for research which address the potential ‘missing voices’ of diverse workforce identities (Kouggianou, 2019), such studies remain limited. For example, the literature predominantly – and erroneously – makes heteronormative generalisations, perpetuating a heterosexist approach and neglecting the voice of diverse sexual identities (Corlett et al., 2022; Dahanayake et al., 2023). Few studies have explicitly examined the voice opportunities and experiences of sexual minority employees in mainstream employee voice debates; indeed LGBT+ employees remain missing in most theoretical and empirical conceptualisations of voice in the HRM and management literature (Bell et.al, 2011; Syed, 2021; McFadden and Crowley-Henry, 2018; McNulty et al., 2018). This PhD project is therefore an opportunity to ‘give voice’ to LGBT+ employees, including transgender and non-binary workers, currently underrepresented in the extant literature. It will also contribute to the modest literature concerning the potential of employee networks to amplify the voice of minority groups, as well as the theoretical and empirical laguna of LGBT+ voice and intersectionality in HRM more generally.
- 01-Jan-2024 - 01-Jan-2027
- Amplifying Employee Voice and Hearing the Unheard: A Multidisciplinary Study of Contemporary Working Lives in Deindustrialised Communities
- Johnstone, Stewart (Principal Investigator) Briken, Kendra (Co-investigator) Cunningham, Ian (Co-investigator) Hadjisolomou, Tasos (Co-investigator) McCarthy, Tony (Co-investigator) McIntyre, Stuart (Co-investigator) Scholarios, Dora (Co-investigator) Taylor, Philip (Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2022 - 30-Jan-2025
- Re-examining the role of line manager in managing sickness absence during and post-pandemic and the issue of legitimacy of sickness: Informing policy and practice for a fairer workplace
- Hadjisolomou, Tasos (Principal Investigator) Cunningham, Ian (Co-investigator) Remnant, Jennifer (Co-investigator)
- 20-Jan-2022 - 19-Jan-2024
- Examining customer service and customer abuse in the Italian luxury retail: Informing practice for decent work post-pandemic
- Hadjisolomou, Tasos (Principal Investigator)
- 01-Jan-2022 - 31-Jan-2022
- Confronting customer abuse and harassment during the Covid-19 crisis? Evidence from Scotland’s hospitality industry
- Hadjisolomou, Tasos (Principal Investigator) Baum, Thomas (Co-investigator) Booyens, Irma (Co-investigator) Nickson, Dennis (Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2021 - 31-Jan-2022
- The organization of work and customer interaction away from the store: A labour process analysis of the online food retail sector
- Hadjisolomou, Tasos (Principal Investigator)
- 01-Jan-2019 - 15-Jan-2020
Senior Lecturer
Work, Employment and Organisation
Email: a.hadjisolomou@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 3973