Dr Mark Haw


Chemical and Process Engineering


Personal statement

My research interests are focussed on particles and fluids: from particulates such as mud, cement, soil or pharmaceutical powders to suspensions such as colloids, blood, and swimming bacteria and algae. We study how such 'multiphase' systems respond to conditions such as forces, flow, and interactions with their environment. I am also particularly interested in the role of thermal fluctuations (so-called Brownian motion) in complex fluids and soft matter, whether in colloidal suspensions such as paints and foods or in biological systems such as proteins. We do both experimental and computational research, and collaborate with various industries to better understand processes and fundamental science of applications. I also do a lot of public engagement work, including books and articles, talks, and interactive events.

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Area of Expertise

We have the following capabilities and expertise in my research group:

  • rheology/rheometry
  • direct flow visualisation microscopy
  • optical microscopy with fluorescence
  • high speed video
  • computational optical tracking analysis
  • a range of flows which can be studied in situ in microscopy, including channel, shear and squeeze
  • in development: optical tweezing
  • Monte Carlo/diffusive simulations including particle aggregation, gelation and associated analyses

Prize And Awards

IChemE Global Awards Finalist Team category 2023
IChemE Global Awards 2023 selected Finalist 'Training and Development' Award
IChemE Global Award Winner Public Engagement 2020
IChemE Global Award Finalist - Team Award 2020
Strathclyde Medal
Leverhulme Personal Research Fellowship

More prizes and awards

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Departmental and Faculty Responsibilities:

  • Director of Teaching (2009-2016)
  • Faculty Learning and Teaching Forum
  • Faculty Academic Administration Committee (2011-2016)
  • Acting Full time MSc coordinator (2016-17)
  • Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering course liaison with Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry (shared UG course) (2013-2018)
  • Year 4 Academic Year Coordinator (2018-present)
  • Department Assessment Academic Coordinator (2018-present)


Taught Classes (Chemical Engineering:

  • CP102 Introduction to Chemical Engineering
  • CP303 Materials Processing and Applications
  • CP305 Ethics, sustainability and economics
  • CP404 Multiphase systems
  • CP516 Emerging Technologies
  • CP520 Communicating Science and Technology
  • CP531 Frontiers of chemical engineering
  • CP407/413 Chemical Engineering Design
  • 18530 Chemical Engineering Project
  • CP926 Multiphase processing


Other teaching:

  • Becoming an Engaging Researcher (Cross-faculty public engagement skills)
  • Other ad-hoc public engagement classes


Teaching and learning research:

I am part of a small team within the Department which has been working over the past few years on employability, transferable skills and personal development-related issues in teaching and learning, with a particular recent focus on the role of student teamwork and student peer-tutoring to provide 'embedded' personal and professional development for undergraduates.

We are also looking at innovation skills and how undergraduate teaching and student experience can help promote the impact of research into applications, as students graduate and become key players in industry.

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Research Interests

My research interests are focussed on particles and fluids: from particulates such as mud, cement, soil or pharmaceutical powders to suspensions such as colloids, blood, and swimming bacteria and algae. We study how such 'multiphase' systems respond to conditions such as forces, flow, and interactions with their environment. I am also particularly interested in the role of thermal fluctuations (so-called Brownian motion) in complex fluids and soft matter, whether in colloidal suspensions such as paints and foods or in biological systems such as proteins. We do both experimental and computational research, and collaborate with various industries to better understand processes and fundamental science of applications.

Professional Activities

Cambridge Science Festival invited talk: Frankenstein 2.0
Directed Assembly of Functional Nanomaterials (EPSRC Grand Challenge conference)
Frankenstein 2.0 -- public talk at Eastercon science fiction convention
ICEMS Symposium 'Soft functional architectures' Kyoto Japan Nov. 2010 Plenary Talk
Invited speaker
New connections in particles and fluids

More professional activities


SoAreWeReallyEthicalEngineers? Engaging young engineers to help make a better world
Haw, Mark (Principal Investigator) Battcock, Sylvia (Co-investigator) Leckie, Joy Susan (Co-investigator)
15-Jan-2023 - 14-Jan-2024
The birth of crystals: new understanding of nucleation by direct measurement
Haw, Mark (Principal Investigator) Lue, Leo (Co-investigator) Sefcik, Jan (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2020 - 31-Jan-2023
Doctoral Training Partnership 2018-19 University of Strathclyde | Flannigan, James
Haw, Mark (Principal Investigator) Sefcik, Jan (Co-investigator) Flannigan, James (Research Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2019 - 27-Jan-2023
RI@S funded summer project
Johnston, Karen (Principal Investigator) Haw, Mark (Co-investigator) Sefcik, Jan (Co-investigator)
RI@S funded summer project for Mohammad Talha Dar
10-Jan-2019 - 05-Jan-2019
Young Chemical Ambassadors - Engineers of the Future
Leckie, Joy Susan (Principal Investigator) Battcock, Sylvia (Co-investigator) Essex, Jane (Co-investigator) Haw, Mark (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2019 - 11-Jan-2020
Doctoral Training Partnership 2018-19 University of Strathclyde | Cashmore, Andrew
Sefcik, Jan (Principal Investigator) Haw, Mark (Co-investigator) Cashmore, Andrew (Research Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2018 - 10-Jan-2022

More projects

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Dr Mark Haw
Chemical and Process Engineering

Email: mark.haw@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 2719