Dr Jules Hedges

Strathclyde Chancellor's Fellow

Computer and Information Sciences


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Bayesian open games
Bolt Joe, Hedges Jules, Zahn Philipp
Compositionality Vol 5 (2023)
Value iteration is optic composition
Hedges Jules, Rodríguez Sakamoto Riu
5th International Conference on Applied Category Theory, pp. 417-432 (2023)
Composing games into complex institutions
Frey Seth, Hedges Jules, Tan Joshua, Zahn Philipp
PLoS ONE Vol 18 (2023)
Towards foundations of categorical cybernetics
Capucci Matteo, Gavranovic Bruno, Hedges Julian, Rischel Eigil Fjeldgren
Applied Category Theory 2021, pp. 1-13 (2021)
Compositional modelling of network games
Di Lavore Elena, Hedges Jules, Sobociński Paweł
29th EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic, CSL 2021 29th EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic, CSL 2021 Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, LIPIcs Vol 183 (2021)
The game semantics of game theory
Hedges Julian

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Professional Activities

Applied Category Theory 2022

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Verses – PhD Studentship - Compositional free energy
Hedges, Julian (Principal Investigator)
01-Jan-2024 - 31-Dec-2027
Industrial CASE Account - University of Strathclyde 2021 | Braithwaite, Dylan
Hedges, Julian (Principal Investigator) Nordvall Forsberg, Fredrik (Co-investigator) Braithwaite, Dylan (Research Co-investigator)
01-Oct-2021 - 01-Oct-2025
Bayesian Inference for Complex Systems (NPL Contribution to EPSRC iCASE - Dylan Braithwaite)
Hedges, Julian (Principal Investigator)
01-Oct-2021 - 30-Sep-2025
Maths DTP 2020 University of Strathclyde | Capucci, Matteo
Nordvall Forsberg, Fredrik (Principal Investigator) Hedges, Julian (Co-investigator) Capucci, Matteo (Research Co-investigator)
01-Oct-2020 - 01-Oct-2024

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Dr Jules Hedges
Strathclyde Chancellor's Fellow
Computer and Information Sciences

Email: jules.hedges@strath.ac.uk
Tel: Unlisted