Dr Mark Johnson

Teaching Fellow

Accounting and Finance


Personal statement

Prior to joining Strathclyde, Mark has worked as a lecturer in accounting and finance at UWS, QMU and GCU. More recently Mark’s worked at Glasgow Caledonian University, where he led and developed a number of undergraduate and postgraduate Management Accounting and Financial Management modules alongside DBA and PhD supervision. Mark previously studied for a PhD at the University of Strathclyde, where he successfully completed his thesis (A multi-level exploration of academic intentions to participate in academic entrepreneurship) at the Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship. Work from his thesis has been presented at international conferences and has published in a leading international journal (Journal of Product Innovation Management). Prior to making the move into academia, Mark worked in operations management and wealth management.


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JARL Start Up Funding
Monsen, Erik (Principal Investigator) Romanov, Maxim (Post Grad Student) Johnson, Mark (Post Grad Student)

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Dr Mark Johnson
Teaching Fellow
Accounting and Finance

Email: mark.a.johnson@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 3890