Mr Stefan Kah
Knowledge Exchange Fellow
European Policies Research Centre
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- Evidence and indicators in practical strategy & policy implementation
- Kahila Petri, Halme Juha, Tillikainen Antti, Georgieva Neli, Vironen Heidi, Fonseca Liliana, Kah Stefan
- (2023)
- CLLD in the 2014–2020 EU Programming Period : an innovative framework for local development
- Kah Stefan, Martinos Haris, Budzich-Tabor Urszula
- World Vol 4, pp. 122-139 (2023)
- Addressing the challenges of the social and territorial cohesion in National Recovery and Resilience Plans : a preliminary assessment
- Ferry Martin, Kah Stefan, Fonseca Liliana
- (2022)
- EU Cohesion Policy in Non-Urban Areas
- Kah Stefan, Georgieva Neli, Fonseca Liliana
- (2020)
- Bio-based strategies and roadmaps for enhanced rural and regional development in the EU
- Colmorgen Felix, Khawaja Cosette, Rutz Dominik, Gerdes Holger, Kiresiewa Zoritza, Anzaldúa Gerardo, Tarpey John, Tröltzsch Jenny, Davies Sara, Kah Stefan, João Elsa, Georgieva Neli, Mannhardt Boris, Herlitze Ines, Robijns Clément, Stoyanov Martin, Metzova Ludmila, Pavlova Iliana, Mihajloska Emilija, Gjorgievski Vladimir, Markovska Natasa, Duic Neven, Pauna Carmen, Iorgulescu Raluca, Diaconescu Tiberiu, Cosnita Daniel, Simonescu Mihaela, Lazdina Dagnija, Makovskis Kristaps, Neimane Santa, Rakowski Marcin, Szulecka Olga, Mytlewski Adam, Skrzynska Dorota
- European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings, pp. 982-986 (2020)
- Meeting the challenges of digitalisation : implications for regional and rural development
- Vironen Heidi, Kah Stefan
- (2019)
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Professional Activities
- 45th Annual Meeting of European Regional Policy Research Consortium (EoRPA)
- Speaker
- 6/10/2024
- IQ-Net Coffee Break Workshop to IQ-Net Network of European Policymakers, Online
- Speaker
- 21/2/2023
- IQ-Net Coffee Break Workshop to IQ-Net Network of European Policymakers, Online
- Speaker
- 18/5/2021
- 29th IQ-Net Conference
- Participant
- 12/2010
- 31st Meeting of EoRPA
- Speaker
- 10/2010
- Food Lab conference
- Speaker
- 9/2010
- Regional Policy in Europe: A Comparative Assessment (EoRPA_AT_24_26)
- Bachtler, John (Principal Investigator) Mendez, Carlos (Co-investigator) Downes, Ruth (Research Co-investigator) Kah, Stefan (Research Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2024 - 31-Dec-2026
- Ex post evaluation of Cohesion policy programmes 2014-2020 financed by the ERDF. Work Package 13 - Integrated territorial development
- Ferry, Martin (Principal Investigator) Bachtler, John (Co-investigator) Kah, Stefan (Research Co-investigator) Georgieva, Neli (Researcher)
- 24-Nov-2022 - 23-May-2024
- Rural Sustainability Transitions through Integration of Knowledge for improved policy processes
- Vironen, Heidi (Principal Investigator) Kah, Stefan (Co-investigator) Georgieva, Neli (Researcher) Fonseca, Liliana (Researcher)
- To enable rural communities’ actors and policy makers to design better strategies, initiatives and policies fostering sustainability transitions of rural areas, through advancing our understanding of different rural functionalities, characteristics and future scenarios of rural areas, their potentials and challenges.
- 01-Sep-2022 - 31-Aug-2026
- Territorial Development Strategies
- Ferry, Martin (Principal Investigator) Kah, Stefan (Research Co-investigator)
- 13-Oct-2021 - 31-Dec-2021
- Study on Municipal use of EU Cohesion Funds in response to COVID-19
- Bachtler, John (Principal Investigator) Ferry, Martin (Co-investigator) Kah, Stefan (Co-investigator)
- 19-Sep-2020 - 31-Jan-2021
- EU Cohesion Policy in non-urban areas
- Bachtler, John (Principal Investigator) Kah, Stefan (Co-investigator)
- 04-Jun-2020 - 03-Nov-2020
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Knowledge Exchange Fellow
European Policies Research Centre
Tel: 548 3955